The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You say that because people object to evidence-free allegations of attempted murder and being an accessory to attempted murder against a club and its membership (and that, specifically, is who the allegations are against), and maintain that these evidence-free allegations could make that club a target of Loyalist thugs, that these people thus approved of Peadar Heffron being blown up?

That is some leap to make.

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You’re completely delusional.

You honestly think these extremists acted alone? Without the moral support of a community? It takes a lot to go from disapproving of someone’s life decisions to go to cold blooded murder.

Some IFSC brigade chap from Wexford and a failed journalist from Dublin living in Galway know better than Joe Brolly the Republican advocate.



Nonsense. Slavery was the norm in northern and southern states at the time, again it’s simple ignorance of history to suggest otherwise. As has been explained to you, the south had far more slaves due to economic reasons, nothing to do with morality.

Living in Derry during the troubles

See. There you go, proving my point.

It proves a point all right, that you are an idiot.

I know you are, but what am I?

A terribly childish response, I know, but childishness begets a necessary childish response.

By the way, if you’ve nothing to say on the actual topic being discussed, sod off.

The Real IRA have never had the moral support of the nationalist community in Ulster.

I do not gave to have lived there to understand thw rights and wrongs of this.

Thats utter nonsense and a cop out to support other violenxe and feneral scumbagery.

By Tim’s logic, the IRA had the moral support of the communities of all part-time RUC officers living in unionist areas who were blown up by booby trap car bombs in the 1980s.

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You have no knowledge of the context in which immediate post-Troubles six county life was lived.

You have even less knowledge of what actually happened in the particular case being discussed.

Basically, you’re discussing something you know absolutely nothing about.


All this while falsely equating any posts taking issue with the article’s unfounded allegations about the GAA club organising a despicable attack on Heffron as support for the attempted murder itself. Totally moronic stuff.

Having had the misfortune of working alongside the PSNI in the years after their ‘transformation from the RUC’, I can see how members of the Nationalist community were sceptical of the shiny new Police force. A horrible shower of cunts. I can understand the anger that would have been in that community. So Brolly coming along in 2017 and painting the picture he’s painting now is lowlife stuff. He fucking knows better.

What happened to Peadar Heffron was horrific and wrong and the cowardly bastards that did it should be hung for it, but don’t try and retrospectively taint a whole club for the mixed reaction his decision got. It was perfectly understandable and Joe knows that too. Just because your clubmates disagree with your decision doesn’t mean they planned to murder you. It only takes a few nutcases to do that and they don’t necessarily have to have had anything to do with the club


You seem to not have the slightest clue.

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As much a clue as majority here.

And take a cold balanced view on it.

What ye sick cunts here are defending is the weakest of the weak. Which is no surprise and fits character. Must be the way ye were brought up.

Who is defending what?

All that is been done here is that some of us are annoyed with the relaying of events reported by Brolly in his article which are heavily contended. To report events inaccurately like this may have severe repercussions for the club.

Its so funny how the 'Rastoolers are such snowflakes these days and can’t handle someone giving it to them straight.

They want everything sugarcoated so as to not hurt their poor little sensibilities

No you are choosing to pick the clubs pityful excuses and statements over what the injured man has said.

And lets not get away from that. Brolly only added commentary. Heffron said these things and largely nobody has denied them. The GAA statement is a joke. As is the silence from Croke Park

Any neutral with no particular affiliation, which i am, reading this entire thing would come to the the conclusion the GAA Club were walked all over and treated this man disgracefully
The players ignoring him, the manager.

You are all saying thats ok and going after the messenger. Its classic post moving.

Ye are just as bad as them

No. I’m saying there are two sides to the story and trying to implicate a club in the attempted of a former player is reckless and dangerous in the extreme with only a baseless allegation to support.

Whatever about the way he was treated by the club after he joined the PSNI, this is more down to a community aspect. The same would have happened in any staunch nationalist community in the O6 irrespective of him being a GAA player or not.

You have no clue of the context of how the RUC were regarded at that time. There are loads of families who have suffered greatly at the hands of security forces in every nationalist area, the RUC were reviled in nationalist area and the PSNI were viewed with great distrust and simply a re-branding by the nationalist community of a sectarian organisation involved in the murder and assaults of thousands of nationalists.

The club have unequivocally denied them. Former teammates have unequivocally denied them so the other side of the story has strongly contended tge claims.