The Joe effing Rogan thread

It had to be blacklisted so the vaccine companies could get the emergency use authorisation for their stuff.

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Morons with 20 shots of that shit sloshing around inside them lecturing people on Ivermectin [ :rofl: you couldn’t make it up

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Wrong, as usual.

From May 1st 2020 to December 21, 2021, a total of 1777 cases were reported with ivermectin specifying an indication for COVID-19. Gastrointestinal and neurological effects were the most reported. Among 53 cases considered as serious, the most frequently reported concerned neurologic disorders (11 cases including 1 encephalitis, 1 coma and 1 death), respiratory disorders (8 cases including 2 deaths), gastrointestinal disorders (8 cases including 1 death) and cardiac disorders (5 cases including 2 deaths by cardiac arrest). Four overdoses were reported and were mostly associated with neurologic disorders. Among these 4 cases, 2 were life threatening and 1 caused/prolonged a hospitalization. Table 1 summarizes characteristics of the 35 serious cases (including 6 deaths) where ivermectin was reported as the single suspect. The most reported preferred terms (PT) among those cases were: overdose, use of product in an unapproved indication, abdominal pain, pruritus and vomiting.

There’s a much better, and actually true explanation. Ivermectin is totally useless against Covid.

Can you be pro ketamine anti ivermeticin


It’s very important that you are able to think for yourself when it comes to opinions on horse medicine

The lads here who think for themselves all have the same thoughts on invermectin if that’s a help :man_shrugging:


No that’s why it was blacklisted.

I think you mean to say “neigh”.

This could cure many of your embarrassing ailments




The latest Tim Dillon episode is wonderful


That’s classic. The way they were justifying trump saying it after slating Biden for saying it. And some of the free thinkers get their opinions from him then :joy:


A nothing clip that he left in and didn’t edit out :person_shrugging:t2:

That’s the greatness if Joe.

I don’t mind Joe for what he is. But lads need to realise he’s an idiot, not a guru

Joe has long since drank his own kool aid/Ivermectin

That is classic though, the yapping dog doing his utmost to save his master

Imagine listening to the two Johnnie’s and then forming your whole life around whatever they say.
That’s what the fellas who think they are free thinkers do


It’s one of the clips of 2023. Rogan is a complete idiot.

I’d have said Rory’s Stories but your point stands.

That’s it. Joe is americas answer to the two johnnies.

Imagine wasting hours of your time and attention listening to Joe Rogan