The Joe effing Rogan thread

When’s Leon Blanche of Boylesports on?

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Billy is an incredibly interesting person. Was wrongly imprisoned mainly due to Phil mickelson. Lost his daughter to suicide while he was in jail but has done a lot for the prisoners reintegrating back into society.

Sounds to me like you did well to maintain your focus for a full hour

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He didn’t really start chirping till past the
Hour mark

The Kid Rock podder is great entertainment, for the more cultured, Will Storr was fantastic. Great to see Joe back on top form

Hopefully rogan and brand share A prison cell together.

Maybe they can do a joint podcast From the slammer.

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Christ, Rogan looks absolutely demented there :joy:

Would joe need to be guilty of a crime or something, or do you just want to see him in prison?

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He’d be no loss behind bars.

That’s obviously meant to be preposterous. This morning you were enjoying away to yourself at his podcast, now you want him killed. Would you have much responsibility un the real world…does anyone depend on you not being very silly?

Hes a godhelpus. It’s funny to keep on eviscerating him, but is it morally sound.

Ah yeah, it probably is. Carry on.

I didn’t really enjoy the podcast but I am very interested in his guest.

He just kept interrupting so I stopped after an hour or so. It became infuriating. Nobody wants to listen to joe waffle on about his wwf career.

I don’t want him killed. I want him in prison.

It’s amazing how these right wing head cases alway turn out to be absolute sickos and deviants.

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I think thats how these ling form conversations work though. I didn’t find the boxing stuff that interesting myself…but i didn’t want him jailed. But the fact that joe platforms and promotes people who are advocates for the incarcerated and underprivileged, is a good thing surely…or didn’t you get to that part of the interview…having lost interest or being unable to cope, once the conversation broadened out into something more worthwhile than just gambling?

Nope I just googled billy Walters and found another hour long podcast with some fellas who desperately didn’t try and make the interview all about themselves
To try and seem intelligent.

I gave up as rogan as he tried to claim he was the Ronnie o Sullivan of pool shortly after cringing when he was going on about how bad it is to bet on fixed fights.

Did he not realise the man he was talking to lost his daughter to suicide while wrongly jailed ?!

You lads are always getting up on a platform of fake moral indignation…its a bit like @carryharry suddenly becoming an advocate for young Ukrainian soldiers, and judging everyone else accordingly. As if you really give a fuck about joes lack of funeral etiquette
It was discussed btw…just not in your prescribed time frame


I’ve no idea what you are on about now but I’d love to why so many lads that love rogan love trump and Putin. I wonder what’s the connection. What could it possibly be…

Now youre resorting to name calling, labelling etc. It’s very bitchy behaviour, if you dont mind me saying so…i dont think youre about to make any great intellectual leaps in the near future, but if i can help further your understanding of my attitude towards any of your woke fallback positions, please dont hesitate to ask.

If not defending the likes the trump and Putin makes somebody woke so be it.

Tbh I’m not even sure what woke really means but the right wing lads love to scream and shout when their nonsense is called out.

Well your first sentence is garbled nonsense, the second is actually worse. But like i said…no great intellectual leaps

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Nothing you say really matters on any topic because you’re a Putin and trump fan.