The Joe McDonagh Cup incorporating Christy Ring, Nicky Rackard and whoever else

Armagh butchered it at the death. Sligo by 1

A dose


he was from Malahide and was into hurling

basically an oddball


He learned recruitment from the IRFU.

The Joe Mc is coming home. We’re back where we belong

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You sure?


Who’s the media geek in GAA HQ again?

Fuck Westmeath


I’m struggling to get my head around this. Have they just pooled all the 3 lower competitions into the one pot for their All Stars?

And there’s no Joe McDonagh All Stars this year?

Madness, sure how could you pick that team. I doubt anyone on the selection panel was at even a fraction of those games and I’d imagine video footage is scarce on the ground as well.
They’ll be picked entirely on the finals day basically.

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This will do wonders for the Tier 2 arguements.

Too fucking mane/lazy to buy another couple of sets of awards. Fucking GPA

They’ve pooled the 3 tiers together and Joe McDonagh is in with Liam Mccarthy all stars.

So they only ran the JMcD All Stars for one year? FFS :grinning:

I don’t know how it is any fairer either. Saying they will work of video footage. There was no cameras at any of the Rackard games I was at and I doubt they were any at any other game bar the finals in Croke Park. The old system while flawed had merits. Each county picked their players to get an all star. It wasn’t a traditional 1-15 as a result but every county got at least one rep. A small reward but at least some recognition. We’ve two nominated whereas under the old system, we’d have prob got three all stars.


Hard luck mate, I thought you were in with a shout

That ship has long since sailed.

As well as restructuring these awards, if the Committee had any wit about them they would also have restructured the competitions and scrapped the Lory Meagher. There are only 4 teams in it, and the fact Sligo won it in 2018 and then the Rackard in 2019 shows the gap in levels is not very big down there now. They could have sold it as a good example of how letting teams get competitive games means all counties improve, especially with what they are introducing in football now.