The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

That just can’t be true.

People who base their entire argument on a forum on screaming the words “sexual predator” at another poster, as you do, are generally very stupid people with serious issues, and so it is with you.

To try and talk seriously and honestly about it, which is impossible on TFK, I’m very sympathetic to #metoo, supportive even, but a lot of modern life seems to be about being as offended and hurt as possible.

As regards this Ford woman, she’s a professional psychologist which as far as I know means she would have undergone 1000s of hours of therapy as part of her training and professional practice (now possibly I’m wrong about that). But it wasn’t until this session she shared with her husband that she remembered the incident. Most likely it just wasn’t very important to her at the time. That’s more likely than it being a horrific suppressed memory that it took years and years of therapy to remember. Her interpretation of it is that it’s an attempted rape, but Kavanaugh was a sad virgin loser and he probably wasn’t trying that. American men and American women are pathetic.

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40-60% of black women report being subjected to coercive sexual contact by age 18.

That doesn’t mean they’re raped. You’re sounding like a #metoo there.

It’s what you do constantly, so shove it up your bollox.

I know you’re as thick as a plank so won’t understand this. I haven’t defended Kavanaugh, I’ve defended his right to due process and the presumption of innocence. Something you deny him. You assume his guilt which makes you a Nazi, the people you supposedly rail against.

That sounds quite reasonable.

The level of sexual assault that young black women are subjected to is truly appalling. And it’s very real, unlike a 51 year old who can’t remember whether she saw a plastic penis or a real penis at a drunken frat party.

You wonder why people consider you to be nothing more than a caricature and a laughing stock.

The quoted bit is a fair hint.

As is the rest of your post. As are pretty much all your posts.

Kavanaugh is a run-of-the-mill rich frat boy American cunt. Feminists are accusing his defenders of normalising sexual assault but that’s just because sexual assault was normal on campuses back then. Ford is a run-of-the-mill snowflake and the USA is an international laughing stock.

@anon7035031, I think you should make a plunge and get involved in American politics. You need to find a Californian Republican who is pro-choice, then go work for him and be his Samantha Power. Americans are witless gimps and in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

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I’m enjoying life far too much to subject myself to that mate :grin:

Agree with the rest of your post. I’ve worked with loads of people here, both sexes, who went to school/college in the 70s and 80s. It was literally a free for all, and I suppose a natural progression from the 60s. HIV brought a lot of it to a screeching halt in the mid/late 80s.

Some 1970s (or '80’s) retired formula one driver observed that, back in the day, the sex was safe and the driving was dangerous… now it’s the opposite

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My first boss in the US was a Texan. He used to run a customer service center in Houston in an earlier life, had about 30 women reporting to him. Said every day was like going into a new candy store, some of the girls would try and outdo each other to get his attention. Jaw dropping stuff for a young impressionable Irish lad to hear.
But #IBelievedHim

Rachel Mitchell from Arizona chosen as the questioner for Thursday’s hearing. They are both in for a rough time, this prosecutor is very good and only handles sex crimes.

Proper order to have a top state prosecutor doing the questioning rather than a bunch of old wrinkly white men.

Can’t believe @Sidney has missed this one. This wan claims she was gang raped at a party in 1982 that Kavanaugh was at, and that it was known the lads poured alcohol and drugs into young wans and then took turns raping them. She graduated high school in 1980 and would have been two years into college at that stage, but apparently as a 20 year old went home to attend high school parties where such rapings were known to take place. #IBelieveHer.

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There’s another accuser?


Indeed. A woman who has worked for numerous government departments and has security clearance, who has provided a sworn affidavit.

People don’t volunteer to perjure themselves.

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Dismissing an allegation of sexual crimes via sarcasm is perhaps your saddest way yet to showcase your 19th century attitude.

A few posts back, you completely contradicted yourself from what you write above.

It would be best for everybody in terms of honesty and transparency if you just admitted you never* believe women who say they’ve been raped or seually assaulted and if it turns out they have been, you think it’s their own fault.

*Unless a Democrat is at the centre of the allegations.