The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

Rachel Mitchell from Arizona chosen as the questioner for Thursday’s hearing. They are both in for a rough time, this prosecutor is very good and only handles sex crimes.

Proper order to have a top state prosecutor doing the questioning rather than a bunch of old wrinkly white men.

Can’t believe @Sidney has missed this one. This wan claims she was gang raped at a party in 1982 that Kavanaugh was at, and that it was known the lads poured alcohol and drugs into young wans and then took turns raping them. She graduated high school in 1980 and would have been two years into college at that stage, but apparently as a 20 year old went home to attend high school parties where such rapings were known to take place. #IBelieveHer.

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There’s another accuser?


Indeed. A woman who has worked for numerous government departments and has security clearance, who has provided a sworn affidavit.

People don’t volunteer to perjure themselves.

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Dismissing an allegation of sexual crimes via sarcasm is perhaps your saddest way yet to showcase your 19th century attitude.

A few posts back, you completely contradicted yourself from what you write above.

It would be best for everybody in terms of honesty and transparency if you just admitted you never* believe women who say they’ve been raped or seually assaulted and if it turns out they have been, you think it’s their own fault.

*Unless a Democrat is at the centre of the allegations.

People don’t come out of nowhere to volunteer to perjure themsleves, dumbo.

Bill Clinton had been US President for over five years at that point.

Unless you think that’s coming from nowhere.

stop retrospectively applying criteria. Clinton had security clearance and volunteered to perjure himself

How many secondary school parties did you go to yourself when you were 20? Is that where you met the girl you stalked?

College students don’t generally go to high school parties mate, even in 1982. Unless they were sexual predators of course.

Surely to add a bit of credibility she should name those who allegedly raped her?

Oral sex and sex involving cigars is not sex. At least not in Arkansas.

Fantasising about sexual assault, as you’re doing publicly here, is a real giveaway about your attitude towards women.

You are a very, very dangerous man.

For Rapeublicans, it’s always the woman’s fault.

From the lad who fantasizes about sucking on used condoms.

You’re not a lad, mate. You’re a dirty old man.

Please stop sharing your perversions with us, though if you want to do that privately and in your own time, don’t let me stop you.

  • tampons

That’s a relief.

Think you’ll find the tampons is another little fantasy of @anon7035031.

Perhaps he should think about changing his user name to labane1715, given that he sees no problem with a 17 year old attempting to rape a 15 year old.

He’s our very own Tom Humphries, without the writing ability.

Nothing wrong with sucking a tampon lad, own it. It’s possible to suck a tampon completely consensually, it’s probably the least sexually aggressive thing a man will ever do.

Goes well with curry sauce I find.