The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

The game is rigged, as I always said.

Dare I ask, why is this lady only after remembering all this now? Has that been covered?

She can’t remember when it happened or where or who was there. Remarkable.

It just popped back into her head when she heard he was being nominated?

A moment of clarity.


Fucksake. Read the thread you wanker before coming on and embarrassing yourself.

Life’s too short to read all that in fairness.

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Senator Crapo meets Judge (Full) O’Crap.

She can’t remember anything that would allow her allegation be investigated or Kavanaugh to defend himself. If she said it were July 30, 1982 there’s the risk he was off on holidays with his parents.

No one can read the absolute shite posted here. Do you think i’m suicidal or something that I’d go back and read 500 posts of pure tripe??? Just give me my quick answer.


Kavanagh is some man to come out fighting, there’s a deadly cut to him in fairness.

You’d follow that man into battle no problem … i’ve totally changed my stance on that man. And he’s one of our own.

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It popped into her head in 2012 when Romney was leading in the polls and Kavanaugh was widely reported as his pick for the Supreme Court.

I suspect she was groped but hasn’t a bulls notion who did it. There’s two other lads that have come forward this week and said they groped her around the same time.

He’s like a good corner back.

She sounds like she’s slut … the whole town was groping her it appears.

There is ample scope for an FBI background check, in fact it’s the very least one would would expect. Senator Durbin made an utter fool of Barf O’Kavanaugh earlier about this.

Where’s Mark Judge here, by the way? Do you think the FBI should be talking him to him? Do you think he should be testifying here?

The denial of an FBI background check has always proved the Rapeublicans had no interest in anything other than railroading through the nomination in a kangaroo court process.

Kavanaugh has been an embarrassment here. The Rapeublicans will go down in the political hall of shame should they vote him through.

Trying to stich up the paddy as usual

There have been six (6) FBI background checks on the man. The FBI must be some shower of useless wankers if they didn’t discover he was running a gang rape club in high school and flashing his langer at every woman he met in college.

That’s a bit harsh.