The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

He’s lying about his drinking because it will undermine him.

He was asked how much beer is too much and he wasn’t sure andmade some comment about blood alcohol levels. Then later on talking about the year book he admitted he had a problem with vomiting when he drank alcohol. If you’re barfing regularly when you’re 17 you’re going to have memory problems from drinking when you’re older, it’s guaranteed. I know this from experience.

Who gives a fuck whether he groped this chick when he was 17, Americans are mental. The Republicans all come across as idiots and the Democrats all come across as gimps. This is exactly how I imagine Americans and I am vindicated.

There was some serious groping in the hydro and the queens back in the 1990s. It went both ways.

I remember a 16 year old lass caught me by the balls one night in 1993 in the Claremont hotel. I suppose that would be classified as sexual assault these days


And zero since the allegations emerged.

Kavanaugh’s obfuscation when Durbin pinned him down about whether the FBI should investigate was pitiful.

42% of Americans are Independents so you can’t tar all of us with the same brush. The nutters are the social (religious) conservatives and progressive Democrats.

Attempted rape, mate. With an accomplice who has gone into hiding.

A very serious crime.

After this is over I’ll start a new thread where posters can relate the sexual assaults they have suffered.

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I remember being in a nightclub for the first time as a 16 year old on a fake ID. Me and my mates. I was shitting myself, didn’t know how to act and rotten. A slightly portly lass wandered across the dance floor and for some inexplicable reason I smacked her across the arse as she passed. A shameful incident but the only time in my life I’ve acted like that. She turned around, shocked and flustered, says “who was that?” I think she’s about to smack me so I point to my mate standing beside me so she’ll smack him instead. She jumps on him before he knows what’s happening and spends the next 30 minutes shifting the face off him.

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I liked it

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You mug.

Did you say “fancy an Indian?”

That was the way it was back then. That was how you pulled. You’d grab women or slap their arse and start shifting them

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Big Brett mentioned Animal House in his speech. A popular movie at the time glorifying sex pests. It’s very hard to judge a 17 year old in 1982 by today’s standards.

Mr Tillis cleaning house here. Mr Booker coming across as a right gimp.

I haven’t been following this closely but just saw the 1-minute clip on the Didn’t Happen of the Year Awards twitter account of Kavanaugh pretend crying and saying his 10-year old daughter has been praying for the accuser. :laughing:

“Attempted rape was how you chatted up a girl in 1982.”

Or something.

Especially strict Irish American Catholics - Brett has made a big play of his Catholicism here.

Like a lighweight Simon Harris or Aidan Riordan . Hed be a serious hate figure in Oireland

Lyin’ Ted is on now.

Booker is an admitted groper of underage girls. Hard to take him seriously.

Thats how real men got women.

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