The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

A self righteous creep.

How did the press get her name you old bat.

Trust you not to know the difference between a 15 year old touching one girl’s breast during a consensual kiss and a 17-18 year old attempting rape, thrusting a penis in a woman’s face without consent and participating in gang rape.

Feinstein squealing like a pig here.

I’d say the judge could murder a drink at the moment.

Trust you not to know the difference between admitted and alleged. Do you believe Julie Swetnick? Went to ten gang rape parties where she observed gang rapes of children going on before getting raped herself at such a party.

Sounds a bit dodgy, no?

So, as I said, you don’t understand the difference. Cheers for that.

Nor do you know the difference between somebody who freely admitted to making a mistake and having learned from it as against somebody who is quite clearly perjuring themselves.

Oh, and your grammar is shit too.

Can we have a quick break for a poll on who would consensually engage in sexual relations with Kamala.


If they’re so desperate for an investigation by the feds why didn’t Ford go to the feds and not feinstein?

One for the auld birds you would shag.

Or why didn’t Feinstein go to the Feds when she got the letter?

That’s a yes then?

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Yeah, Jeff “hold me back” Flake is really going to vote against Kavanawgh. Not.

Even if she is a democrat.

Senator Kennedy is some ham.

Oh I think they do, he’s just not Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson, and made it a bit too obvious.

Oh I’d fucking love it. Perfect milf, far sexier than Palin.


A potential US president.

Hopefully, I’ve money on her.

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Big Brett is going to see this thing through and then bone the shit out of his sexy milf wife. It will be the best sex of their marriage. Then have a beer.
And I’m going to go to bed.