The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

Is he one of the MacMurrough Kavanagh clan from Borris? I’m at a wedding up there tomorrow. I must ask around.

Of course he will, the game was rigged. A kangaroo court.

When each Republican votes for him, they should at least admit which of the following is true:
i - that they didn’t believe Christine Blasey Ford, or
ii - that they believed her, but didn’t give a shit about attempted rape anyway.

Neither is a good look. But sure when have Republicans cared about that, they revel in defending the indefensible.


iii. that they believe her but there are other explanations for why she believes Kavanaugh was the one who attacked her.

Nobody seriously belives the Ed Whelan defence.

Sure just get the unfortunate and entirely innocent Mr. Garrett up from Atlanta and fit him up on trumped up charges if that’s the case.

It’s not the Ed Whelan defense.

Try and read this with an open mind. Memory is just not very reliable. When it comes to events like these, you (anyone) need independent evidence to corroborate your own recollections.

There are thousands of people in jail who were convicted based on false memories.

There are many therapists who should be in jail for creating false memories, which is quite easy to do.

This goes back to what you said earlier. You said you believed Blasey Ford in what she believed before implying you don’t believe her in what actually happened.

This can be explained in one word - bullshit.

You either believe her or you don’t - that is, you believe her testimony as was told or you don’t.

There’s no point trying to invent a fantastical Brexit-like fudge to keep up appearances.

Like, I nearly believe that Kavanaugh believes what he’s saying - I think it’s entirely plausible that he’s brought himself to a place in his mind where he is fully convinced that he has done nothing wrong.

I’ve been in plenty of real life arguments where I’ve done the same, then later realised I was wrong.

Do I actually believe him when he say he has done nothing wrong? No fucking way. He didn’t give way on one single point, including his drinking habits, and that is simply not credible in the slightest. If sworn testimony is not credible in one area, it’s not credible in any. Maybe when you can’t remember what you’ve done due to being shitfaced it’s easier to keep up the pretence with a clear conscience.

Several people are making this point and it’s so true. The standards of behaviour for men and women in these situations are totally different. Had Blasey Ford spoken with Kavanaugh’s aggressive demeanour and tone, she would have been crucified. Kavanaugh gets away with it.

Had Kamala Harris spoken the way Lindsey Graham did, her political career would likely be over.

Graham was demented. He is demented. He’s a prostitute, in the truest meaning of the word.

So that’s a Yes, a Yes, a Yes and a Yes. High faaaave.

You are too binery in your thinking, and seemingly unable to understand the article I posted for your education. Read up on false memories and educate yourself, I’m tired trying to do it for you.

In your narrow little mind, there are only two possibilities, either she is lying or he is lying. That’s simply uneducated bullshit. There are many other explanations, he could have been blind drunk and has no valid memory of the event, she may have been blind drunk and has no actual valid memory of the event but it was recreated for her in therapy, she may initially have no idea who attacked her and Kavanaugh’s name was added later in therapy, it could be mistaken identity, it may not have happened the way she said but she has either added memories or someone has added them over time.

Memory is a very complicate subject, stop trying to trivialize it from your position of ignorance.

Almost 500 posts, lads arguing about collusion in US politics?:grinning:

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Delusional and extreme snowflakery.

Kavanaugh is being accused of being a participant in gang rapes of teenagers with zero evidence, he has every right to be angry.

Lindsey Graham was excellent, the most powerful words of the day. Kamala Harris has often spoken as passionately as Lindsey Graham did today and it has done her no harm, nor should it, in fact she is a likely future US president.

You are a complete idiot and a simpleton.

Are you on fucking drugs?

Not yet, soon hopefully.


Just watching Chris Cuomo on CNN, who is about the best on there. The narrative has now changed from he is a serial sex offender and gang rapist to he sometimes drank excessively in college. All of this ridiculous circus to prove a lad occasionally drank too much beer.

Fords GoFundMe for her legal fees is now up to half a million dollars except her lawyers are saying g they act pro Bono.

Are people really giving out because Kav got a bit passionate in his own defense?

I think they’re saying that if a woman started crying and shouting about how they loved beer in a job interview they might not get the job.

I’m only watching it now … so we’ll see how he goes.

Choking up here as Kav got very emotional when talking about his mom.