The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

What a guy - the love for his daughter was enough to bring him to tears.


All you can really say about Kav is that he is a patriot.

A great, great man.

Well he was accused of sexual assault after drinking too much — He mildly made reference to the fact that he likes a beer - of course, he is also playing up to the working/American man here. The crying is understandable to a degree, his family, friends and his whole life is being accused here, not just him and it wasnt until he spoke about family or friends that he got emotional, not anything about himself. Also, it’s not exactly a ‘job interview’ - the man is standing accused of being a sexual predator, of course he is going to be emotional ffs.

Fair play to Graham — You dont go from being a rapist over a 2 year period to leading an exemplary life for the next 30 odd years.

Taking a guy apart over his yearbook, written 36 years previously :joy:

i think if a woman went for a good job and some nobody appeared out from under a bush saying they were almost but not quite raped by her 35 years ago then horrible little troublemaking twerps like yourself would lose the run of themselves at the injustice of it

Was it a job interview?

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Rachel Mitchell, the AZ state prosecutor who questioned Kavanaugh, told Republicans that based on the evidence presented she couldn’t bring the case anywhere near a courtroom.

Rumors are that all Republicans will vote for Kavanaugh and several Democrats will break ranks and vote for him as well.

I have to say @anon61878697 has really stepped up to the plate here with his succinct summaries of the case. He will make a fine Taoiseach.


I don’t think you understand the concept of a hearing. If you want to post waffle about false memory which nobody will read, take your bullshit to a separate thread.

There is no reason to think Kavanaugh was telling the truth and Blasey Ford wasn’t, theres every reason to think the oppsite.

Kavanaugh has loads of reasons to lie. Blasey Ford has none.

@Sidney flailing here. His head will explode if Kavanaugh is appointed.

139 posts by Sid & 154 by Labane.

Come on lads. Take a break, it’s nearly the weekend

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Wow, top, top comeback. Did you cog it from a Breitbart comment section?

It’ll be over shortly and I’ll close the thread.

What a fucking world we live in. We are now transporting back 40 years to scrutinize what people doodled on the back of their copy books or wrote on their school bag when they were 16.

A man’s family, friends, his legacy and his future are all put on the line and he cant get emotional about it? The loony lefty twitter flakes are destroying modern society with their misery and misplaced anger … lashing out because their own life is miserable.

I’m confident America will do the right thing here.

The Kav is a hero. And he is one of our own.


He will possibly go down in history as the man who saved civilization.

Blasey Ford thrust herself into the spotlight thinking she would be the Rosa Parks of the snowflakes, she’ll be forgotten about by next week. She’ll make loads of money off her book though.


the democrats used her

Of course they did, just like they used Anita Hill. Anita Hill was assured she would never have to testify as her accusation would cause Clarence to fold. That poor girl has to sit in front of a hoard of old men and reporters talking about Clarence’s references to his dong and pubic hair on his coke can. Only a scumbag would force a girl through that. I would say Blasey Ford was told the same. This man wasn’t going to fold though.

The progressive left is shameless, disgusting cunts really.

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The Democrats are cunts for forcing a woman to testify, not the Republicans for nominating a sex pest. The mental gymnastics you perform are fascinating to watch.

Have you first hand knowledge that he’s a sex pest? if so I think you should bring it forward. If not you need to change your language or i’ll make sure you will face legal repercussions. Mrs Ford herself cant even remember when this groping allegedly happened.

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