The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

One of the most vocal accusing Kavanaugh of lying yesteryear was Senator Richard Blumenthal. Senator Blumenthal was elected largely based on his claim of having served in Vietnam.

Blumenthal was never in Vietnam let alone serve there. But we should believe him.


The first allegation against Kavanaugh was two weeks ago, after the hearings were complete, you simpleton.

You should report him to @Bandage.

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I’m talking about the hill case above

Again I’m talking about the hill case you simpleton

What evidence do you have that Clarence was a sex pest?

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You still need to change your language buddy.

These bastards are just mad to nail anyone for anything.

That’s a good oped.

At the end of the day, for such a small gathering of people who were apparently relative strangers, for nobody to remember it ever happening is bizarre. So too is the fact that the house it happened it wouldn’t be remembered. Every person mentioned at the time as being there has said they don’t remember such an event other than Ford.

If this was a huge keg high school party then that would be somewhat believable. 4 to 5 persons (“perhaps more”), which seems to be two different groups of friends who didn’t know one another is not something that is totally forgotten by everyone.


It’s vital that this be nipped in the bud. Imagine when you are running for high office and cunts like @Julio_Geordio are making accusations about your alleged sex crimes.

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…Christine Sidney Ford and Brett Labavanaugh are off for another 12 hour shift.

Un-fucking-real stamina.


There was a classmate of Kavanaugh and Judge on last night who said there was no point interviewing Judge as he was in a blackout for the entirety of 1982 :joy:

Em, you said he should withdraw, mate. :laughing:

You’re all over the place.

Yet again, you’re displaying a fundamental misunderstanding of what such a hearing is.

It isn’t a trial and isn’t supposed to be one either.

I’m merely reporting the news pal, no need to lash out.

He didn’t withdraw because he has balls, you wouldn’t understand.

I don’t ever recall Kamala Harris speaking like she was off her head on crystal meth and thinking they were Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

Anything to say about Graham’s threat to any future nominees by Democrats?

This is a sitting senator actually threatening to dig up lies about future nominees.

You couldn’t make it up.

This man is a total embarrassment to himself and to US politics.

Do you understand that a hearing is not a trial, pal?

You called for him to withdraw, yes?

Are you admitting you have no balls? :laughing:

Democrats threatening to impeach Kavanaugh, if appointed, for drinking beer in college.

I said he should withdraw for the sake of his family.

His brave ten year old daughter convinced him to fight on.