The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

You haven’t.

It is indeed possible to believe that both Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh both believed they were telling the truth.

But that wasn’t the question I asked.

Like @anon7035031, you’re deflecting and answering a different question to the one asked.

The question asked: Can one believe that Kavanaugh attempted to rape Blasey Ford while simultaneously believing that Kavanaugh did not attempt to rape Blasey Ford?

The answer is: No, it is impossible to believe that Kavanaugh attempted to rape Blasey Ford while simultaneously believing that Kavanaugh did not attempt to rape Blasey Ford.

That both you and @anon7035031 cannot accept this says a lot about the intellectual capacity of those who argue against me on this thread, ie. that it is extremely limited.

You are a self-admitted rapist defending somebody has been credibly accused by three women of sexual assault.

I guess every time a story of this nature hits the headlines you imagine yourself at the centre of it. There but for the grace of God go you and all that.

Tut tut.

look pal, youre an intellectual pygmy whos a total bigot, you cant contemplate anything from outside your belief system.

no @sidney you are a rapist

The rantings of a madman.

I see you’ve adopted the @Tim_Riggins debating strategy. :sweat_smile:

if you think I’m mad then that pretty confirms my sanity

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Keep it up, pal, keep it up. You’ve done tremendous work in proving me right over the last half an hour or so. :grin:

grin all you want. you’ve never been proven right. you cant even own your oz urine/menstrual discharge story.

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I have you hopping like a sausage in a pan, mate. :sweat_smile:

that’s it sid, ignore the allegations

rape rape.

So you think Judge Kavanaugh is a liar, yes?

you stalked a young lady to another continent with the intention of tasting her menstrual discharge. you need help.
sick creepy men like you can delete internet posts, but you are still a depraved creepy man who spends his mornings deleting his vile disturbing online past and the afternoons fighting online for sexual assault victims from a dark room.

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Hi, mate, you’ve admitted to raping your wife on multiple occasions.

When will you be handing yourself in to Gardai?

I gather you’re a small business owner from Limerick who resides in South Dublin, yes?

Is this so?

is there any reason why Kavanaugh could not be confirmed as supreme court judge and for the FBI to still investigate the accusation. Has the alleged assault been reported to law enforcement anywhere by Ford? Surely if a complaint is lodged it would have to be investigated? If a crime was proven to have been committed he would surely have to resign the position anyway.

Presumption of innocence. Was it 17, he was when this alleged incident occurred. Would he have to be tried in a juvenille court?

Mate, all he did was have a few beers when he was 17, that doesn’t need a FBI investigation. Some broad was groped at some point in the past at some place she or no one can quite remember but has been able to pinpoint it to big Kav 30 years later, when coincidentely he’s about to be appointed to a position of great power for a political party she hates. His only crime is liking beer and being a virgin in high school and college.

Cc tfk misogyny crew @Fagan_ODowd

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The normal process is that the FBI investigates a nominee’s background. If any allegations come to light after the end of the normal confirmation hearings, the FBI are instructed to re-open their background check to investigate the specific claims.

This was the case in the 1991 hearing of Clarence Thomas when Anita Hill alleged sexual harrassment and indeed two Republican members of the current Senate Judiciary committee, Orrin Hatch and Chuck Grassley, were on the same committee then and supported a re-opening of the FBI background check.

They and the rest of the Republicans have blocked a re-opening of the FBI background check at all costs in this instance.

Lindsey Graham said “women need to be heard”.

This obviously does not apply to either Dr. Blasey Ford nor to the other women making allegations.

Which proves his statement is nothing more than self-serving nonsense and Republicans have never been interested in hearing these women or in taking them seriously.

Are you mixing me up with @Bandage I wonder?

Are you proposing the abolition of FBI background checks on nominees?

That would mean not just for the Supreme Court, but for every position in the federal government and judiciary.