The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

Why are you wasting your life at this shit? What is going on with you? You have yourself convinced at this stage into a black and white world where the American lefties are mad and the American right wing are just normal folk. Obviously the American left is mad, they’re fucking American for fuck sake and the same goes for the right wing.


His friends and supporters had talked publicly about how, at Yale Law School, Thomas was a regular patron of X-rated movie houses and enjoyed describing the porn to friends afterward.

But that was not introduced into testimony by either the Republicans or the Democrats. Instead, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch — who is still on the Judiciary Committee at age 84 for this new kangaroo court — suggested that a man as esteemed as Judge Thomas could not possibly know the language of porn, that anyone who talked like that was “a psychopathic sex fiend or a pervert.”

Seriously, I haven’t a clue whether Anita Hill was telling the truth and neither does @anon7035031 or @Sidney. I don’t know what to make of the Judge Kavanaugh business but anyone can see big problems with the case against him. We give too much time to listening to American silliness in this country. Americans are complete gimps and one day I’ll do a boring rant about it.


We’re fully covered for boring rants on all matters American.

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This Kavanaugh chap sounds like a complete cunt

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They are all cunts pal. Everyone from the accusers, those encouraging them, the media, the scumbag attorneys, Kavanaugh, those defending Kavanaugh, both political parties. Did I forget anyone?

Everyone with a brain knows the truth, these are rich white privileged kids who went to preppy private schools in the late 70s/early 80s, all boys and all girls of course, behaved well in public but partied like travellers every occasion they got, usually when their parents were out of town, the jocks stalked and rode the cheerleaders and the cheerleaders stalked and rode the jocks, and then they all went off to Ivy League universities to do more of the same. I doubt any of them knew what sexual assault was in 1982 as they were too busy fucking anyone willing or they thought was willing.

#MeToo are trying to apply the sexual rules of 2018 to an era that was more like Caligula.

He sounds like a sex criminal, as does the chap who has been furiously defending him here.

Birds of a feather…

No mate, that’s what @Sidney thinks and you are a far more intelligent poster than that clown. I’m an independent mate, like about 40% of Americans. The left wing of the Democrats and the Republican social conservatives are nutters of low intelligence. Both groups will believe any old shit as long as it comes from one of their trusted sources, Vox, MSNBC, Fox, etc. If they read it on Twitter or FB from one of their sources it is by definition truth and cannot be questioned.

The #MeToo cunts are dangerous though, they won’t rest until every white man is accused of some sexual crime. Never mind the fact that black women are 4X as likely to be assaulted by black men compared to any other race, and 40% of black women are raped before they turn 18. It’s racist to mention that though.

Only one on here who has admitted to being a sexual predator mate, and it ain’t me. Have you had an honest chat with the guards yet?

That just can’t be true.

People who base their entire argument on a forum on screaming the words “sexual predator” at another poster, as you do, are generally very stupid people with serious issues, and so it is with you.

To try and talk seriously and honestly about it, which is impossible on TFK, I’m very sympathetic to #metoo, supportive even, but a lot of modern life seems to be about being as offended and hurt as possible.

As regards this Ford woman, she’s a professional psychologist which as far as I know means she would have undergone 1000s of hours of therapy as part of her training and professional practice (now possibly I’m wrong about that). But it wasn’t until this session she shared with her husband that she remembered the incident. Most likely it just wasn’t very important to her at the time. That’s more likely than it being a horrific suppressed memory that it took years and years of therapy to remember. Her interpretation of it is that it’s an attempted rape, but Kavanaugh was a sad virgin loser and he probably wasn’t trying that. American men and American women are pathetic.

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40-60% of black women report being subjected to coercive sexual contact by age 18.

That doesn’t mean they’re raped. You’re sounding like a #metoo there.

It’s what you do constantly, so shove it up your bollox.

I know you’re as thick as a plank so won’t understand this. I haven’t defended Kavanaugh, I’ve defended his right to due process and the presumption of innocence. Something you deny him. You assume his guilt which makes you a Nazi, the people you supposedly rail against.

That sounds quite reasonable.

The level of sexual assault that young black women are subjected to is truly appalling. And it’s very real, unlike a 51 year old who can’t remember whether she saw a plastic penis or a real penis at a drunken frat party.

You wonder why people consider you to be nothing more than a caricature and a laughing stock.

The quoted bit is a fair hint.

As is the rest of your post. As are pretty much all your posts.

Kavanaugh is a run-of-the-mill rich frat boy American cunt. Feminists are accusing his defenders of normalising sexual assault but that’s just because sexual assault was normal on campuses back then. Ford is a run-of-the-mill snowflake and the USA is an international laughing stock.

@anon7035031, I think you should make a plunge and get involved in American politics. You need to find a Californian Republican who is pro-choice, then go work for him and be his Samantha Power. Americans are witless gimps and in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

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I’m enjoying life far too much to subject myself to that mate :grin:

Agree with the rest of your post. I’ve worked with loads of people here, both sexes, who went to school/college in the 70s and 80s. It was literally a free for all, and I suppose a natural progression from the 60s. HIV brought a lot of it to a screeching halt in the mid/late 80s.

Some 1970s (or '80’s) retired formula one driver observed that, back in the day, the sex was safe and the driving was dangerous… now it’s the opposite

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My first boss in the US was a Texan. He used to run a customer service center in Houston in an earlier life, had about 30 women reporting to him. Said every day was like going into a new candy store, some of the girls would try and outdo each other to get his attention. Jaw dropping stuff for a young impressionable Irish lad to hear.
But #IBelievedHim