The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

Do you believe Harvey Weinstein’s accusers, @anon7035031?

You can answer “yes”, or, more likely, “no”.

Clinton lied under oath about incidents that were proven to have taken place. He wasn’t aware that investigators had proof as he had unfortunately left his jizz on her dress.

This latest accuser needs to name the lads who allegedly raped her and then we can get on with the investigation.

Can you tell us why somebody would come out of nowhere to volunteer to perjure themselves?

Can you tell us what percentage of sexual assult claims are false?

Yes mate, as he is a Democrat and friend of the deviant Clintons.

If she was raped I’m sure she should have no bother naming those who raped her. Claims of rape against unknown persons are generally not investigated.

But that’s actually it, mate.

This is genuinely your whole worldview.

“Rapeublicans don’t rape, non-Rapeublicans do”.

Only a raving mentalist like you believes this.

I thought you specialized in satire in college?

Again why are the Rapeublicans refusing to subpoena witnessesor even allow other witnesses, refusing to allow FBI investigations, refusing to ask the questions themsleves,and openly admitting that they don’t care whether any of the women were sexually assaulted?


Take it from me, mate - you are the satire.

And you’re blissfully unaware of it.

Walking parodies like yourself always are.

Brass Eye couldn’t have come up with a character as ridiculous as yourself.


Christ above, Kavanugh is going for the evil twin theory. :laughing:

It appears that the post about Sid’s adventures in Australia has been wiped from the website

It seems to have made a hell of a lot of people on this site do a hell of a lot of wiping. :grin:

Just like all of Christine Blasey Ford’s social media and even more interestingly her high school yearbook from 1982.

Defending death threats now, are you?

Was it you that made at least one of them, by any chance?

You live around her neck of the woods, don’t you?

Also, you have a pathological and irrational hatred for both university professors and psychology.

Blasey Ford is psychology professor.


She identified herself publicly you dumb bastard. She hardly deleted her social media to stay anonymous. She could have closed her accounts to prevent weirdos like you posting on her pages, but why delete all the history?

Why would you delete all your social media history and why would your school delete your yearbook from the year of the accusation?

That would be irrational, given I am a university professor.

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You don’t understand why a woman would delete her social media accounts after suffering death threats.

You think a woman’s school yearbook is relevant to a sexual assault allegation.

Yet you totally understand that Mark Judge, who is a public figure, wouldn’t want to testify, and that’s just fine with you.

You’re doing a hell of a good job proving me right about you being an inveterate woman hater.