The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

She deleted her social media before going public, not after receiving death threats.

Kavanaugh’s yearbook is relevant to the investigation and he will be questioned about it tomorrow. Why would hers not be? Like interviewing witnesses, it builds a picture of what the social environment was like during the time of the allegation. Were parties like this common, etc?

You think she should open her social media accounts to receive death threats from demented loonies like you.

Blasey Ford has been continually requesting an FBI investigation. That has been continually refused by Rapeublicans, who have zero interest in builing any sort of a picture about anything, only in forcing through Kavanaugh’s confirmation in the same crazed, pig ignorant manner as how they think men should be allowed to force themselves upon women, as a God-given right.

You should have just translated that bit about the yearbook so as to ask “was she asking for it?”

There is no responsibility on somebody to not be the victim of a crime, and no responsibility on anybody to behave or dress in a certain way so as to not be the victim of a crime.

Clearly you don’t understand that - inveterate women haters never do.

Was the girl you allegedly raped in Australia asking for it?

As there are no witnesses or supporting evidence, the hearing can solely deal with credibility. Kavanaugh is accused of being a drunk and a sex fiend in school and college. His yearbook will be used to try and support these allegations and question his credibility. Blasey Ford’s yearbook should also be examined to help determine her credibility. What if it clear from the yearbook that girls from her school never socialized with boys from his school, or 15 year old girls didn’t drink?

What you’re essentially saying is an accused person should not be allowed defend themselves.

Sure Sid had the posts on this deleted, like fords social media.

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See, again, you can’t debate without shrieking “rapist” at somebody.

Despite being by far the biggest actual apologist for rape on the whole site, and I include @TheUlteriorMotive in that.

The distinct impression one gets of you is that at 11am, you’re sitting in an office, drunk, shrieking “rapist” at somebody on the INTERNET you’ve never met.

Do many “professors” do that? :laughing:

Or just the pretend ones?

Have you given up arguing why her school yearbook isn’t relevant?

You believe that in a hearing where a person is being accused of a crime, the prosecutor is allowed bring up circumstantial evidence to question the credibility of the accused, but the defense should have no such right.

Did you learn about law during your stint with Pravda?

I didn’t delete any posts, mate.

Then again it’s probably a bit much to expect somebody who can’t tell the difference between somebody who posts a tweet and somebody who makes a statement in the link on that tweet, to be able to carry out a basic interent search function.

Ok you asked rocko to delete them

I’ve given up arguing with somebody who is quite clearly a raving lunatic, because raving lunatics don’t do debate, they prefer to just shout “rapist” at people on the INTERNET.

Exhibit A: You.

Enjoy your daily bottle of whiskey in your pretend professor’s office.

Was that you in South Park with the tinfoil hat and the cape, by the way?

Hey, fire off a PM to him there.

No, please don’t go away.

I’m actually doing research on the negative impact of social media on people’s brains. I hope to publish a book next year. It draws heavily on material from TFK. It will have at least one chapter devoted to the ravings of @Sidney, @sidney_waddell, and @Sid_Waddell.

No need. It fairly speaks for itself

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It’s not my fault I’m your only contact with the outside world, pal.

I see you’re pushing an Alex Jones conspiracy theory, by the way.

Again, this tallies with i) your self-admitted dismissal of reputable media sources and implicit trusting of conspiracy sites, and ii) your inveterate hatred of women.


A book on how I’ve been living completely rent free in your brain for the last three years would be a cracking read.

Maybe you could get Christine Blasey Ford to write it, notwithstanding the obvious concerns as regards her safety that would arise from such a project?

@anon7035031 is Jordan Peterson

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Says the man who had the offending posts deleted in a half assed attempt to cover up. Unfortunately for you, there’s ways and means to get the offending posts.

The internet never forgets!

@sidney has deleted all his postings detailing his stalking expedition to australia :smile: the internet is serious serious business
Here are the best bits…

I’ve already made a mental decision to follow her out there, even if it’s only for a few weeks, and “accidentally” run into her.

It means I’d happily eat her period, or at least continue to happily wear my Liverpool tracksuit with her period and/or her piss soaked into it

This is obviously the poster we should turn to for all sexual morality questions. His clarity of thought on such matters is outstanding.

He steals all my best work the bastard.