The Kyle wrecks your head thread

He’s not the first GAA lad to have sinned and redeemed himself.

It’s run its course now Fagan. It’ll get a bit of attention over the weekend alright. After that bar the odd sling , it’s done

What was Mullane convicted of and what sentence did he get?

There was an affray in what is now Masons but now that I think of it a Waterford jury might have found him not guilty. The prosecutor wanted to move the trial to Kilkenny

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Wasn’t he in trouble at one stage for an “off the ball” incident in a club challenge when he went in “on the ball” of some poor marker.

He was. He deballed a chap from Mullinavat in a challenge. He was a liability in his early days.


Didn’t the county board pay for an anger management course for him?

That I don’t know. But it would have been money well spent


Mate nobody has to justify or explain Hannon as a centre back. If someone is questioning him I’d question do they know hurling at all. He has been unreal for us & some huge moments. Probably the best move kiely made.


Hurler of the year will be Cathal O Neill. Adam English will win an All Star, and with the two best young hurlers in the game leading our team you can start preparing for the 10 in a row

Did it involve bouncers and a baseball bat ?

No I believe it involved pool cues and a glass.

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Shur Woolie gave a lad his fill of it once and is now the foremost voice on GAA in the country

How in the name of Jaysus Wollie thought it acceptable to go for a night out in Bozo’s nightclub the very night they lost a Leinster final to Westmeath. As the grandfather used to say “ a Bassein wouldn’t do it”.

John Mullane was found NOT GUILTY by a Waterford jury of his peers. Thomas Teehan (a Castlecomer native) was the prosecutor in that trial. He was the prosecutor in Waterford for nearly 30 years before he became a Circuit Court judge.


ALL-STAR hurler John Mullane was found not guilty by a jury in Waterford Circuit Court yesterday of assault with a pint glass during a poolroom row.

The Waterford hurler, who is due to line out on Sunday against Cork in an All-Ireland senior championship quarter-final, heaved a sigh of relief when the verdict was announced.

Outside the courthouse he had no comment to make on his acquittal but said he was looking forward to Sunday’s game.

The 25-year-old hurling star pleaded not guilty to assault causing harm to David Keating in the Pulpit bar, John Street, Waterford, on St Stephen’s night 2002.

During the case, two of the prosecution witnesses, including the injured party, were treated as “hostile” when they tried to withdraw their statements to the Gardai and claimed they could not remember the events of the night due to the consumption of alcohol.

In evidence, John Mullane said that while playing pool in the pub he was subjected to “dogs’ abuse” and was taunted by a group of local men. A threat was made to take him outside and kill him and he feared he was going to be attacked.

Suddenly he punched David Keating in the face but did not intend to strike him with the glass which was in his hand, he said.

Defending counsel Jeremy Maher said the case was undermined by the absence of a crucial witness who appeared to be the prime mover in threatening Mr Mullane. The absence of that witness left John Mullane trying to defend himself with his hands tied behind his back.

After an absence of over two hours, the jury returned a unanimous ‘not guilty’ verdict.

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Crikey. Witnesses mysteriously forgetting, just as John (fearing for his life) mysteriously forgot he had a pint glass in his hand.

We weren’t there to hear the evidence. You have to respect the decision of the jury who sat through it all and would have seen all the nuances of the trial.

Nuances are always important

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There was a great case involving Redser O Grady back in the day when up for assault. Twas eventually thrown out.

He could give a exact blow by blow account of what he and others drank throughout the day but had no recollection of any assault that took place. Selective amnesia the judge called it.

Shur look it, as lads say about Kyle, we were all young once. I personally think it’s bollocks but Shur isn’t it good for one as the other