The Kyle wrecks your head thread

His injuries wouldn’t be considered life-altering, not to the legal definition anyway

Hopefully the bastards that inflicted the injuries are apprehended.

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What goes around comes around. Time to move on now.

Can he still pursue a civil case?

Yes but there’s multiple people involved. Kyle was one of a number of people charged

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**John (Kiely) 8:7 ** So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at Kyle.

Anyone who has not been involved in a street brawl after a load of creamy f**king pints has led a very sheltered life & is cut from the same cloth as Simon Harris.

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His life was alrered when he decided to pursue it and make a national case out of a few thumps.

Jayses. Paltry enough sum so

Can we stop with the nonsense Kyle has been hard done by? It is a green-tinted glasses bullshit argument. Good luck to him with the suspended sentence but he knows full well now he’s a lucky chap.


I.didnt make comment on Kyle

Kiely didnt support Pat Ryan as strongly when he sinned from what I recall? I guess he didnt need Ryan as much.

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Pat Ryan was welcomed back into the panel and was later dropped for sporting reasons. Red herring


Even of a Friday even the wagon of thug supporters doesn’t be long circling :sweat_smile:

Take.your own advice

Correcting the record pal. A lot of easily led folk on here who’d fall for misinformation.

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Yes he can and it’s almost undefendable now that there is a criminal conviction. PJ will have to do a few more “currency trades” to cover this.

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CJ not around to give him the nod anymore.

Am I the only one who doesn’t find that photo that horrifying? I was stung by a wasp once and I looked way more beaten up.


I know lads who got far more for a chipped tooth, split lip etc even when the assault was not strictly the other lads fault. Dunno if he had a shit lawyer or just a case of the judge going soft on the county man cos he needs to be able to train and play matches rather than taking a loan and working overtime etc to pay his debts

He can absolutely go after Kyle for more money.this is not over for will be done between solicitors and no one will know the amount

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