The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Thatā€™s an open and shut case, he has the guilty verdict against him.

Thereā€™s lads here still abusing Leahy.

Interesting to hear it was a united supporter footix involved

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Is it lad? He was found not guilty of the assault on the ground so donā€™t see how itā€™s open and shut.

Lad :smiley:

Use your other account

Iā€™ve been through this before.
Iā€™ll explain it so it makes the most sense.
Firstly, in Irish courts, you have to produce evidence beyond reasonable doubt to convict someone of a crime.
Now onto the case itself. Kyle wasnā€™t charged with assault, he was charged with assault causing harm, thereā€™s a difference in both charges, because there was more than Kyle reigning kicks and punches on the victim, itā€™d be unsafe to convict him of assault causing harm as it couldnā€™t be proven beyond reasonable doubt that it was his kicks and punches that caused the victim all the damage.
It was the DPP that messed up on that charge as they lessened the charges against others involved because they took a guilty plea which is the practice in law.
For a civil case to proceed, heā€™ll have to sue all involved and not just Kyle.

No doubt youā€™ll have a fool come back and say he was in court and he was found not guilty of punching and kicking the victim outside but thatā€™s not the case as he was found guilty of violent disorder from outside the club and was given a 2 year prison sentence for it.


Iā€™ll take your word for it but there has been nothing straightforward about this case so far and itā€™s rumbling on for nearly five years now.

Watching this eat you up is beautiful.

The rage from you and yours is unreal

Would somebody ever think of informing Timmy Hammersley that 28 years ago the Tipp crowd cheered Leahy every time he touched the ball in his first game back. Timmy is very worried about why people could cheer one of their own.

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Was Timmy involved with Tipp when wan of his own defrauded a pensioner and another was up for serious assault?

He was possibly in and around these lads

I have no rage.
Kyle done the crime and got his conviction, he was treated no better or no worse than anyone else in the courts. His sentence was neither lenient or harsh and he deserves a chance to show society that that night was a lapse and he has positive aspects to contribute to society by being a law abiding citizen.

Itā€™s the media blowing it up because of him being a county hurler and itā€™s free wall paper for them. They donā€™t even have to pay for the information as itā€™s all in the public domain. The media love cases like this as the public lap it up. Good boy gone bad scenario.
How many column inches did the media print on John Leahy turning his life around and becoming an addiction counsellor after his misdemeanour?
Fuck all compared to what they printed about his misdemeanour itself.
Itā€™s not just a media obsession, itā€™s society, the public will much sooner part with their shillings to read a story on good boy gone bad rather than bad boy gone good.


Poor Dermo Connolly gets nawfull time of it too.

The media love Dermo. He comes back into the fold and makes one good pass and they are fawning all over him.

Has he a criminal conviction and if not, why has he not?

Not condoning his actions either.

Like a Man :joy::joy::joy:

ā€œobserved him draw back and kick a man who was lying on the ground, kicking forward into the manā€™s head and shoulder area twice.ā€

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Dermo was hounded out of the game pal.

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There you go, drink it in. Thatā€™s the type of fella you have all these guys bootlicking here.

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Bit of harmless handbags. You lads must have lived very sheltered lives altogether.

Not really but we knew what kicking a lad on the ground was.