The Kyle wrecks your head thread

That Frank Greaney cunt missing a shot at superstardom. He did minute by minute for the Monk’s charge towards freedom. He should be down in Limerick, giving us the blow by blow account.

#Justice 4Kyler

That Conor Kane fella from RTE, normally their south east correspondent, was down earlier in the week covering.

Wonder is Cathy Halloran on annual leave or stood down for it.

It was a peacoat.

Classic case of HGH jaw there.

Double breasted. Ulster collar.

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Suit underneath and tie in the pocket no doubt.
He’s getting worried…

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Diarmuid Connolly fractured an eye socket in a pub in Phibsboro and avoided a criminal conviction. He pleaded guilty, said sorry to victim, cash was exchanged and everyone went home happy. Judge said he was content with the “restorative justice” measures. I’d be amazed if there is not a similar outcome here.

Hayes should be fine. Only difference really in Connolly case is that Connolly was being provoked and badgered by your man whereas Hayes was agressor here.
Only thing that could possibly come against the latter is if he kicked the victim on the ground. Jury might take a dim view of that.

As punishment he might be sentenced to three years with the Limerick Footballers


if memory serves, the judge in that case was judge clyne, who had a track record of letting athletic young lads off the hook

Why did DPP request a judge change here?

Plenty of pockets for all the medals


Sartorially it’s September.

Miraculous medal is what he needs now.

Is it felt?
It might be.


Is it anything to do with the jury? I thought they just found innocent or guilty, and the rest is up to judge?

I have a candle lit for him every night

He stood up and pleaded guilty.

That’s a big, big difference in terms of mitigation of any sentence on a guilty verdict.

Hayes has said he’s not guilty and he’s not guilty until a jury find otherwise.


A 24-year-old man has told a trial in Limerick that he was punched continuously in the head by Limerick All-Ireland winning hurler Kyle Hayes in a night club on the October bank holiday weekend in 2019.

Cillian McCarthy, from Ballysimon in Limerick, is giving evidence on the fourth day of a trial where Kyle Hayes is accused of assaulting Mr McCarthy, and two charges of violent disorder on 28 October 2019.

Mr Hayes denies the charges.

Jai Choudri of Kildimo, is also charged with assault and violent disorder, and Craig Cosgrave of Grange C. Limerick, is charged with violent disorder on the same night.

Both deny the charges.

Mr McCarthy told the court that he was first approached by Mr Hayes in Smyths bar in Limerick when he [Cillian] was talking to two young women who were friends of his. He said Mr Hayes got abusive and did not like the fact he was talking to the girls.

He said Mr Hayes told him “stay the f**k away from the two girls I was talking to”‘ and indicated that he would start a fight.

Mr McCarthy said he was trying to explain that he was just chatting to the girls but this was not working and Mr Hayes did not want to hear that. He said Mr Hayes started saying “do you know who the f**k I am”.

He said he left and went to the Icon nightclub which is attached to the bar and got approached again by Mr Hayes where he was again very abusive. He said Mr Hayes is a very big guy and his size is intimidating and he told Mr McCarthy he was sick of him.

He said Mr Hayes then punched him continuously on the right side of his head. Another man who was with Mr Hayes, but who is not on trial, was also involved in punching him. He said he received around ten blows to the head, at least half of which were administered by Mr Hayes.

He told the court he did not say anything or make any gesture that would provoke or egg anyone on to do this.

Mr McCarthy said bouncers intervened and took him to a side entrance. His eye was swelling and there was blood dripping down his face, and he was finding it very difficult to see.

He said he then left the nightclub alone, but encountered Mr Hayes and another man outside. He said they followed him and wanted to know his name. He said Mr Hayes was getting aggressive again and said he would “dig the head off him”.

Mr McCarthy said he told him to “f**k” off and that he had already got a beating.

The trial before a jury of seven men and five women is continuing at Limerick Circuit court.

Of course he did.