The Kyle wrecks your head thread

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Why is he pleading not guilty to assualt when 2 guards and the rest have him bang to rights and have given evidence of such??
Somebody please explain that to me?

They seem to be mistaken.

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He is well able to shift through the gear alright if he is able to hunt down Kyle Hayes on a rampage through Limerick city centre.


Limerick innit? Every chance heā€™ll get off regardless. Heā€™s not a popular character is what Iā€™ve been told, hence thereā€™s more witnesses than there might have otherwise been.

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All these witnesses seem to know the man who got assaulted and then only Kyle Hayes.

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Hard to know,A Guard and a Detective giving evidence like that today is fairly damming whatever way you look at it.
Its never nice to see any young lad in serious bother over a moment of stupidity thats going to follow him around for the rest of his life no matter what the verdict is.
And im not condoning what he allegedly did in any way either.

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Heā€™ll be fine, same as Gillane. Big players, vital to the team will be kept on but smaller names like Malachy Ryan after the incident in NYC will feel the full brunt of disciplinary measures.

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Fair play to Landers, he stayed on his feet when Kyle allegedly released himself from the guardā€™s grip in a rough fashion. He could have gone down looking for a free.


Thats a fair point.

Thereā€™s been three or four found lads found guilty already in relation to this case. Itā€™s been in and out of the courts for three years now.

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Heā€™s going travelling in January. Off to Australia I think.

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Shur John kiely does not mind in the slightest as he has repeatedly said in the last few years of how he is proud of the way the lads have conducted themselves both on and off the pitch.

Wait until the other kildimo case reaches court.

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I canā€™t even think about it.

His brothers have been in court before in similar charges. Kyle didnā€™t lick it off a stone.

Of Murroe stock on both sides too before the @limerix start getting paranoid

Yep. Twas ever thus.

Not sure that case has been tried yet.
That will capture the headlines.

Kyle is loved by all, so i am.

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