The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Why? Itā€™s a common enough bail condition.

He might have to wear an ankle bracelet.

Theyā€™ll have that Clare guard in a squad following him around


The only way to zen is to accept the consequences of your actions.

Unlike the time they got him off the red card

What would be the consequences of being out in ā€œThe Iconā€ or whatever its called past midnight this Christmas?

Yeā€™ll have to put @Kyle in first @Massey in case the first few games run late.


Iā€™d say Kyle is more of a 101 or Amber man rather than Dā€™Icon now anyway.

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Heā€™d be Limerickā€™s Enoch Burke.

Youā€™d never find zen within the GAA.

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If he was to breach his bail conditions the Guards could apply to have his bail revoked.

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So this fella digs the head off someone in a nightclub, proceeds to dig the head off him outside and then stamps on his head which was witnessed by the Gardai and yet he gets away with it?

The jury system works mate

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Bate who you want champ. The drive for 5 starts in earnest now

Limerick posters last week:

Poor Judicial system = Dublin scumbags rioting on the street

Limerick posters this week:

Great Judicial system = Limerick scumbag avoids jail time


Yup, thatā€™s the measure of it.



He has a serious criminal conviction that will limit his travel and career opportunities. The victim may bring a civil claim too. Iā€™d not say heā€™s got away with it despite the Limericks muldooning.

Something something #drivefor5


There are Marxist agitators whoā€™d be very much.

ā€œHate crimeā€. Yes.

Hate crime? No.

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Sheesh :grimacing: