The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Heā€™ll not be back to Amerikay again.

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Weā€™re celebrating the seethe that he wasnā€™t charged with count 1. Weā€™ll really celbrate when he wins the appeal.

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Heā€™s convicted of an offence that carries a ten year prison sentence. Itā€™s not a cause for joy in his home Iā€™d say. The attempt to throw the brother under the bus.

Iā€™d hope heā€™ll learn his lesson and stay away from the booze.


It happened 4 years agoā€¦ Anyway, chat later, Iā€™m just hopping in the car and heading to Kildimo for a few


Donā€™t forget your darts

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Nobody wanted the lads life destroyed.


@flattythehurdler did

Ah he didnā€™t. This may be the making of him.

Yeah, think heā€™s hoping to move home to Galway. Hopper is already there.


Nice edit there

Kyle is off to Oz in January anyway so it wasnā€™t about having him for the 5 in a row, it was the principle of it. We are a very principled people.

Judge Dermot Sheehan remanded Hayes on bail on condition he keep the peace, surrender his passport and obey a nightly curfew.

Judge Sheehan set a sentencing hearing for 19 January next year.

Iā€™m out foreign at the minute so canā€™t check my Paddy Power account regarding odds. Can somebody check please. I have this account for HOTY purposes ordinarily

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Heā€™ll be off on the 20th

Did he have the gear bag with him at the court.

Youā€™re taking this awfully hard.

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Violent disorder is certainly cause for The Joy.


Judge Dredd himself

The curfew thing is surely unenforceable

Some slap in the face to the dublin lads who couldnā€™t get dermo off a bit of an aul wrassle in a boozer

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