The Kyle wrecks your head thread

One lad has already gotten a month in jail over the incident. He was in and out within a few hours.

@CillDioma whatā€™s with the interchangeable use of Ballyoshea and Ballyashea. I would always have known it as the former but it was only when looking at old maps recently I saw it was the latter.

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That fellow pleaded though? Kyle has rolled the dice and has been convicted by a jury of his peers of a crime that carries a maximum 10 year sentence. Heā€™ll do well to avoid jail time.

Weā€™re Limerick. We do what we want.


First offence. Not in trouble since. 3000 euro fine and 2 years suspended sentence. He wonā€™t serve any jail time. Thereā€™s no point in jailing him.

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I donā€™t think any of those rioters have 5 all Irelandā€™s though


Shure they all had the hoods up and half of dublin has 5 all irelands these daysā€¦


Who are the other two? AG one perhaps?

I had thought Kyler was involved in another incident circa Winter 2021 but maybe Iā€™m mixing up my Limerickā€™s moments of shame.

Were @thelimericks celebrating prematurely this afternoon? Shades of 94?

I hope young Kyle can move on with his life and stay hurling but by god this is a harsh lesson for him.

@Kyle is officially in the clear folks. @ChairmanDan is notoriously poor at calling the Paddy legal system since #GolfGate. Heā€™s the biggest Jonah there is. The @lazarus of legality. As a law abiding citizen i have to say Iā€™m sick to learn of this development. A suspended sentence it is.


Keep them coming courts pitches we keep on winning let the rest of ye drown in seethe

A very odd take.


Most lads with a bit about them have been up in court for a an auld shemozzel in their youth. Heā€™ll be fine.


Drinks been taken tonight, watch out lads

The cops some ladsšŸ˜€. Im going to contact gsoc about my assault conviction which is crazy and the gowl acting of arresting gaurda

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The Cork lads are harmless i wouldnā€™t worry.

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Youā€™d not want to see a lads life ruined. @Bod95 has a golf holiday to go to next year.

One of yours, he without sin etc.

SENTENCE was deferred at Manchester Crown Court yesterday in a case in which the Tipperary county hurler, John Leahy, was charged with striking a Manchester United fan in the face with a glass, causing permanent scarring.

Leahy (26), from Tipperary, pleaded guilty to unlawfully wounding Stephen Dow, who lives in Limerick. Mr Downey suffered a gaping wound to his face. Leahy is one of the best known hurlers at county level and has won a host of honours, including All Ireland championship in 1989 and 1991.

Judge David Hodson deferred sentence for six months and told Leahy that a good report on his behaviour during the period of deferment would save him from jail.


Can someone translate this?

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The Irish Times has it the judge told Hayes to prepare for a custodial sentence.

Iā€™ll be up the road from him when he is. Weā€™ll have a right good bust up in Cadiz.