The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Not even remotely comparable cases.

Has the Liar a gambling problem too?

I suppose at least Halvey wasn’t actually trying to kill anybody.

Didn’t rob money from pensioners and then fucked off to Antrim like a yellow cunt

No gambling issues?

From a broken pint glass?

Darren Gleeson pleaded Guilty, apologised and paid the money back.

Still there would be a big black mark against his name and he wouldn’t be winning any popularity contests within Tipperary.

The Limerick’s for the most part on this forum have shown themselves to be complete and utter simpletons with their reaction to this case.



Can’t wait too see how you whip up a right wing lunatic fringe angle on this one.


Is John Leahy popular?

Hayes didn’t even have the decency to look his victim in the eye as he took the stand.

He is not a man who has in any way changed or accepted responsibility for what he did.

Serious dirt being thrown here to muddy the waters and excuse a trampish act. The pawns are being sent out



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Sure if he did lads here would be yelling intimidation from kyler!

Plenty young fellas in his own school now probably thinking twice about reporting bullies

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Hayes will surely have an exclusive tell nothing reputation laundering interview with Colm Parkinson, convicted of assault for punching a man in the head as he lay on the ground outside a nightclub.

To paraphrase the old story, if Hayes smashed in one of the lads here Missus they’d nip down and make him a cuppa tea

I wonder if they smashed in their youngs lads eye woukd they be as quick to forgive.

Hon Hayes bai!!!

Respected hugely for what he did in a Tipperary jersey and for his counselling work over the years.

Again he took responsibility for his actions pleaded guilty etc and apologised.

The third paragraph makes no sense. Hayes didn’t say he couldn’t remember the incident at all - he said he couldn’t remember the bulk so him informing Kiely of an incident was no big deal.