The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Cuckold fantasies thrown in now, my goodness.


What the fuck has this done to lads?

The dodger was the same for KK and is leading coty

Imagine the shame that fellas aul lad feels going around Limerick knowing he’s damaging the 5 in a row.

You’d be fucking mortified

Tis only a bit of craic


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Some fellas hanging on by threads with their finger nails to take lumps out of Limerick. Mentally and emotionally destroyed. Five in a row will be even sweeter



Kiely made a complete tit of himself in court today.


This evening has convinced me Kyle should be sent to the Gulag, kiely should step down, JP should stop unfairly paying for our success. I now see how unfair we have been.

The lads advocating for kyle to be assaulted with a pint glass I cant go as far as agreeing with or the Laois lad who wants me to give him tea and biscuits while he rides my wife

If Kyle Hayes turns out to be half the man Leahy has he will have done well tbf. Here’s hoping he learns a lesson, nobody wants to see a young fella sent down for a rush of blood to the head where he smashed a fellas head in. We all make mistakes. Redemption will be found at the end of a Hurley


What’s this ‘‘we’’ business?


Lots of lads do want him sent down?

X5 :fu:


Great to see it not affect him there. How many all Irelands did he win since he gave me man a proper thumping?

He wasn’t quizzed on him being a saint - he was quizzed on some facts of the case -that seemed bit out of hand considering jury has already given its verdict. The BL looking to make a name for himself and get column inches.


Welcome mate. A promising start to your Internet career. What county do you pledge your allegiances to? Not Limerick anyway I’d say😂

You know I hate to bring the past up. Four senior All Irelands since then as you know he won. Whereas your man below - won the root of fuck all since.

Our tramp is better than your tramp :joy:

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I knew if I poked even a lil a simpleton would bring it up. No fear of the other lads being that stupid. But you could rely on this one