The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Thatā€™s some zinger from the judge :clap::grinning:

He was acquitted on the Section 3 assault, which carried a maximum 5 year sentence.

He was convicted on the Violent Disorder, which carries a maximum 10 year sentence.

Please stick to the facts.


How many cases of this kind go on up and down the country every week? Young lads throwing punches with drink takenā€¦ It was a shite thing to be involved in but it was 5 years ago too. The blood lust on here is something to behold. The most left leaning headbanger on here demanding violenceā€¦ I shouldnā€™t be surprised at this stage.

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I have done if you can read

Exactly, it sounds like it was a moment of madness. Drink taken and Kyle lost the head. Im sure he regrets what he did and feels embarrassed.

five o clock tea GIF

Some shower of aul wimmen on this thread

There was nothing decent on the box last night by the looks of it

There was the bones of 10 people charged over this melee. Theyā€™ve gone through the process in the courts in 2s.

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Kyle is spending on average 10 hours a day between work and training/games. No burn out. What vitamins or such is Kyle on?

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Heā€™s 26 ffs. He probably rides a few wimmen after training as well.
Jesus wept. This thread has turned into a defacto ICA meeting

Ah to be fair I think every Limerick poster here would admit that what kyle did was wrong. Your comments here are as always I would say very balanced and fair. The majority of comments here though from other lads on the incident canā€™t be taken as serious, they are wums point scoring and trying to win some imaginery internet war ahead of the hurling season.

In that scenario Limericks like myself will naturally engage in our own wumming about Tipp folk heroes etc.

What kyle did was wrong, I freely admit but I also believe it was a mistake from a lad I know to be a very decent lad.

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100% correct

That is the most amazing thing of all, lads demanding Kyle lose an eye as retribution in a violent attack. I hope theyā€™re proud of themselves

Youā€™re pleading for leniency and understanding in this case is quite at odds with your hard right stance on everything else around here in recent months.


Thereā€™s still four more lads to go after Kyle and Jay. Thatā€™s whatā€™s crazy about the whole thing.

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For fuck sake lads claiming it wasnt a melee to suit their own agenda

Young lads have been in and out of court for 3 years now over this. The fellas who plead guilty were first up.

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Mouse in the Houseā€¦ā€¦

When will Big Dog rock in?

Would it have been better had he scutched a woman?

Great post. Now if you would just admit that Limerick hurlers like Kyle Hayes are full time players and the recruitment gig is just a sham we can all move on.