The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Pleading not guilty suggests growth?


You are a simple cunt if you believe that.

He was found not guilty of the serious chargesā€¦ Guilty of throwing a punch when he was a chap .

He does great charity work and is a great GAA man. Heā€™s a hero

Can anyone factually stand over this statement? Huge melee against one lad? If thatā€™s the truth then the actions of anyone involved is shameful as what chance had the chap attacked?

Chat shit get banged.

But you agree that he should get a sentence for helping to beat the shite out of a chap, right?

He was only found guilty of throwing a punch on the dance floor. What happened outside is nothing to do with Kyle so stop muddying his good name.

Even though two GardaĆ­ saw him kicking the poor lads face in?


Correctā€¦ The guards got it wrong. Shur him and the brother are almost twins. The judge even said it - the bulb off each other.

Few scratches. Youā€™d see worse after an u8s game.

Thatā€™d be the culture boss

Attacked inside and outside. Kyler guilty inside and police witnesses outside but sure he was only a young lad (still is) and he who has not sinnedā€¦. When I was that age I didnā€™t get in one fight, didnā€™t round on one person. Maybe I should move into a Greenhouse.

What do people think will happen? I had persumed all along Kyle would get a suspended sentence and a few community hours? But now not so sure.

Thatā€™s all heā€™ll get ya.

How would he fit it in? Full time job in recruitment and 30 hours a week training :thinking:


A parade down Oā€™Connell street.

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He was cleared of the serious charges outside. Please stick to the facts.

And you being a steamer when a chap has nothing to do with Kyleā€¦you canā€™t blame him for that too.

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They might leave the parade till JulyšŸ¤£

This seems a fairly open and shut type case. It was a pretty violent unprovoked assault that did a lot of harm to the victim. Not really many mitigating circumstances. It was also a first time offence, one off for the defendant. Moment of madness drink taken.
I suppose if you are liberal thinking on this kind of thing everyone deserves a second chance etc he should get a slap on the wrist. If you are more tough on crime and think this is molly coddling attitude is what has the country fucked and being soft on it encourages young lads to behave violently he should get a bit of jail time.
I think the former but it would be a bit ridiculous if hard liners from the latter camp are now saying the opposite as Hayes is good at hurling.

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