The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Mate the problem is Kyle The Criminal Hayes knocked down a random punter in a pub on multiple occasions and then kicked him full force in the head. The victim is indeed mentally destroyed and understandably so given the assault ruined his vision and cost him significant amounts of earnings through ruining his ability to work.

No fear of Mr. Big House sorting the victim out with lost earnings though. Virtue signalling, reputation laundering donations to people who donā€™t need money is much more his style.

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Who kicked you in the head?

But is there not a far right protest that needs ypur attention?

Clearly due course is being followed in this case so what part of it is corrupt? Theres no big conspiracy here he was found guilty of one charge, awaiting sentence. No matter the sentence wont be good enough for you but again thats an issue throughout the irish justice system

Brilliant :clap::clap:

He will have to start a fight with another child now on d holdaze to get his wings and not be branded a steamer

Cc @Kyle

Heā€™s from Limerick, he canā€™t be a steamer.

Iā€™d expect the victim will pursue a civil remedy against Hayes and most likely be compensated.

Itā€™s Hayes first offence. Heā€™s a gobshite but 300 hours community service is a more appropriate sentence than jailing him. If he messes up again heā€™ll see time.

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He was quiet enough in school. Few classes behind me of course but was earmarked as an extremely talented hurler from the age of 6 or 7.

Iā€™d him for minor hurling too. An absolute dream to have in any team.

Heā€™s been stitched up here because heā€™s a hurler. Completely wrong in my opinion but thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone unfortunately.

Machiavellian forces at work here.

Be careful.

He was a chap. 5 years ago. Stupidity of youth and alcohol.

There we go, ā€œhe was a quiet ladā€, ā€œhe was earmarked as an extremely talented hurler from an early ageā€, ā€œan absolute dream to have on any teamā€, ā€œheā€™s been stitched upā€.

Trump style bullshit used to excuse a filthy criminal act which could easily have killed that lad.

Unsurprising coming from a Manchester United supporter, the same club which sees no problems with having rapists play for them.

What excuse have u got for promoting the filthy act you want as justice?

What are you even on about?

Iā€™ve known him for as long as I remember. Heā€™s an absolutely fine lad.

Heā€™s been done here because heā€™s played for Limerick and thatā€™s it.

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Itā€™s not just Kyle Hayes who is shielded from the realities of life, his simpering fanbois are too.

So you have nothing. You arenā€™t making any points at all. Just rambling.

Can someone neutral point me in the right direction here, was this Limerick hurling chap seen by Gardai kicking a man in the head while he lay on the ground after receiving a beating? Is this true?

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No. He was cleared of that.

Two guards claimed they saw it but was dismissed missed by the jury.

Right, so the Guards lied about it or just a misunderstanding?


Iā€™d say itā€™s sad for him as a Limerick man not being able to enjoy the recent success given his strong disliking for one of the main protagonists on the team. Although thereā€™s lads on here who would gladly take a beating from Kyle on the street and be whopping and hollering supporting him a few weeks later.
