The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Whatā€™s correct, the Guards lied? He didnā€™t kick someone in the head who was on the ground?

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Mistaken identity.

I wonder how his best friend feels after randomly getting charged over this incident too. Has he been sentenced yet?

Thatā€™s not the case at all you moon man.

Oh jesus :rofl::rofl:

When Cheasty digs into the Clare times tweets he wonā€™t be happy given your man is a right wing lunatic who wants to ban all foreigners from Ireland.


Defending Aaron Gillane breaking a manā€™s ankle now.

What about Aaron Gillaneā€™s brother glassing a guy in the eye in a Galway pub?

Some amount of cocaine and steroids floating around Limerick hurling circles Iā€™d say.

Heā€™s flailing from left to right here like a deranged man!

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The guy who runs the Clare times page pretended to be dead recently to try and get out of a court case.

Thatā€™s what your dealing with here.

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You are defending glassing a man you spoofer!

Mate the only reason youā€™re posting here is to defend Kyle Hayes flailing from left to right like a deranged man and kicking a random lad in the head with full force as he lay on the ground.

Crimerick hurling is rotten to the core.

Iā€™m only really after reading the Irish Times article and a few comments here. Iā€™m taken aback at the sheer violence of it. A couple of young lads were talking to a couple of girls in a nightclub, told to back off and then received a savage beating inside and outside of the nightclub. The kicking someone in the head while on the ground is shockingly violent. We know it happened as the Guards witnessed it but I donā€™t know the intricate details of the case and just confused as to how the Guards mis-identified the Limerick hurler. Is that what you are insinuating with the brown envelope?


I see the headbangers have taken to posting the rambling misinformation of far right lunatics from Facebook now :rofl:


He was literally cleared of this in court.

Ah brilliant :rofl:

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The Clare times has been LEGITIMISED as a source today. A sad day


This is the ultimate proof of where lads are, a leftie promoting the far right loonies and flailing around demanding we give far right biblical justice to a young lad that made a mistake.

Im going to let him be now

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Whatā€™s astonishing to me is Kiely claimed he was 19 at the time of the incident when he was in fact 21.

And this seems to have gone unchallenged.