The Kyle wrecks your head thread

@BruidheanChaorthainn - what am I missing? He brutally beat this guy inside and outside the nightclub which he was convicted of? Youā€™re saying thatā€™s incorrect?

Absolutely bananas Iā€™d say,
Youā€™re really shaming yourself just to defend a Limerick hurler, bizarre :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

I aint defending nobody. Read back through the thread where he calls on Hayes to be glassed or will you conveniently overlook it.

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Not to play a game of what if, given the situationā€¦ butā€¦ what if it was a woman that this happened to and not a man? Would Kiely still give the same statement etc?

I hope Kyle appreciates the work being done here

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Which career?

With Kirbyā€™s or playing his hobby?

Heā€™s Kyle Hayes, he can do as he wants.

Of course, heā€™s Kyle Hayes

Yes itā€™s incorrect. It was a 15 man brawl. Many have already been tried over this case.

I didnā€™t read that, but I donā€™t care to be honest, I doubt it was as clear it as you say
You should be ashamed of that comment,

And thereā€™s still a couple of more lads to be tried.

Iā€™m not surprised. Youā€™re trying fairly hard here yourself

The Limericks are furious that the rest of Ireland wonā€™t doff their caps to their team of criminal scumbags and to John Kiely, the defender of criminal scumbags.

They desperately want to be loved. Nothing hurts them more than that they are not.

I didnā€™t really follow this trial. Am I correct in saying that two GardaĆ­ gave evidence in the trial that he kicked him on the ground? There was no other non-Gardai evidence given in the trial to corroborate that version of events though?

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Mate thatā€™s u called for and the sort of comment even @iron_mike would be ashamed of

They gave very inconsistent evidence Iā€™m led to believe.

This is no place for hearsay please.

Its the fact they still arenā€™t taken seriously by the proper Counties that cuts them deepest.


I havenā€™t seen legal argument like this played out on TFK since the heady days of the Ulster Rubby Rape Trial.

I wonder will @KOS1987 sign in again

Youā€™ve lads wishing Kyle was glassed and quoting far right racists from Facebook in the process- but itā€™s the Limericks who are furious :rofl:ā€¦ You couldnā€™t make it up.

Heā€™s Kyle Hayes, he does what he wants.

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