The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Iā€™ve no skin in the game here, just looking at a high profile story.


Does Terry post here I wonder?

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Kiely will literally nail his laptop screen to the dressing room door.

Heā€™s already camped securely in your head, dimwit. :smiley:

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Hes so ashamed to be gossiping about a young lad blaguarding, he makes sure heā€™s out of earshot of his family and wanders the perimeter to windbag.

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That was a surprisingly enjoyable and informative video. Terry has a lovely way about him.


In the context of altercations involving drunk young men the application of rationality and reason tends to dissipate rapidly. This often precipitates a swift surge in the level of violence.

Reflecting on my experiences from the past, I am grateful that no severe injuries, arrests or convictions resulted from such fracas in which I partook as a young buck.

He wouldnā€™t be able to get into yours, itā€™s that full of weed, junkie :rofl:

Sentencing suspiciously adjourned whilst the WEF are meeting. I mean wake up sheeple


Klaus is a big Tipp supporter and is against the split season and round robin format. Being in favour of these automatically makes you right wing

Terry could be accused of talking shit & could get banged out :hushed:

Is Terry a citizen journalist?

Havenā€™t a clue.

He seems to have followed the proceedings closely and gives his summation.
Can anyone tell us if heā€™s incorrect in his analysis of the case?

Have you cleaned your belly button?

Appears to be a Karen more than anything.

Heā€™s a solicitor from Meath it seems. Heā€™s a brave man to be giving the Limerickā€™s a guided tour of his property.


The side of the house could do with an oul power wash


No heā€™s a solicitor. Seen a few videos heā€™s put up about people taking on banks over properties etc.

Moss from those bastard trees / hedging is a cunt. His tarmac is rotten with it too

Heā€™s no Clare Times