The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

First fast run after a few weeks of tempos, intervals and slow runs. I could definitely feel an improvement. I hit 5k at 21:30, I’d love to get that below 21 mins in two weeks.


Are you going to the curry party tonight ?

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I am

I did that the last time I did them, did it at the start and at the finish. Was thankful of the 400m break in the middle 8 (I did 10). You’d feel strong at the start and want to get it finished at the end. But if you can do it then fair play

I scrapped that plan and just ran. Wanted to see where I was at.

I had actually thought we were doing the virtual run next weekend. When I realised I had two weeks I said I’d run full belt.

Will give the intervals a go towards the end of next week.

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Do 400s off 90sec rest

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Couldn’t make it down. Mrs working this weekend.

Nice run to kick-start the day


Claire has just asked will I do 30k with her next weekend.
I said I would but I don’t think it’s a good idea tbh.

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Is Claire friends with Ed too?

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Whats the longest you have run in past 4 weeks?

That’s a huge ask, i wouldn’t think it’s a good idea honestly, you’re talking about close to three hours on your feet there, tell her you’ll do 20, even in the best case scenario you’re gonna be crippled for a few days afterwards, doesn’t make sense

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Nope. Don’t do it mate.

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My first time running 30km was reasonably ok, but the previous month I’d a few half Marathons and a 27km in the bank. The week after I did another 30km, got dehydrated, drank a can of coke when I got back to the car and puked all over the kitchen when I got home and went to bed. It’s not just the legs that will feel this distance @flattythehurdler

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Did 8k tempo this morning and will head up the hills in the morning.

What time you do that tempo?

Averaged 3’56, did it at 9 in Bushy.


She is. She has a slightly chequered past which makes the didsbury wags wary of her. Tbh, they’d have her burned at the stake, but I’ve always found her decent and good company, and she’s too scary to even dream of having anything to do with other than a friend. She doesn’t like running on her own by the river, which is unfortunately wise, so often runs with me, or me and ed.


Did 19k there a week ago, but felt the worse for it. Did 11 19, 10 fast, and 12 in successive days though which might have been why.

Do 20k tomorrow then.