The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

I got forced to do online bikini bootcamp :grimacing::slightly_frowning_face:

Please tell me this is about fitness and not waxing :face_vomiting:

I’d rather have been waxed art.

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First time on proper trails since lockdown started, and probably the most fun I had running this year. Elevation and time are nothing to write home about and it lashed rain for most of it

Got slowed down a bit when I explored a trail I hadn’t been on before and then realised the fucking thing was overgrown completely, had to crawl under some trees to get back on it at one stage :joy:


Another hill run tonight followed by a swim


Been absolutely up the walls with work and a house move in the last two weeks, but have kept the running up. Probably overdid it this week, but I’m not really feeling it in the legs at all this evening, which is a good sign. Did the 16 x 400s on Monday (8 fast, 8 easy) - the last 2 of those veered a bit far north of 4 min/km for my liking, but just getting to the 8 is an achievement. Did an easyish 5k Tuesday (23:19), was out pucking on Thursday evening for half an hour, and then a PB 5K earlier today:

Meant to be hillwalking in Kerry tomorrow but the weather could well put paid that. If it doesn’t happen I’ll probably do shuttle runs on Sunday or something. This auld fitness lark gets addictive.


I’m taking this morning off running.
Swim and then bikini bootcamp.

I’m going to try to do those 400s later on.
I was thinking 400 on / 200 off.

Did you try to stick to 4min/km when going hard? That’s the plan I have .

Looking at your split there it was only the last km that really stopped you going sub 21. Were you bolloxed or was it uphill ?

You like to see a fella finishing ever so slightly slower as it shows that he hasn’t left much out there, if that was my run and I did the last k in 3;45 I’d be thinking how much faster I could have gone earlier

Great running by the way @PhattPike
And nice run @Fran


The next park run I do I’ll keep a bit in the tank so I can power past someone at the bottom of the hill and do the Eamonn Coughlan fist pump in their face.


I have decided to forego running for speed and am adding distance these days. Three runs a week 7k, 10k and did a 12k yesterday which I plan on adding a kilometre a week to until I’m up to half marathon distance or 2 hours in duration.


Thought I might see you @backinatracksuit… Westbury to the black bridge and back.


Are you still hurling?

I’m only pricking around at junior level for the past two or three years and to be honest I’m not overly fussed about it.

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Didn’t miss me by much, i was between the black bridge and the humpy white bridge to Corbally around half 8.
Good job, the red path and up the mill road is a nice run as well if you want to extend the next time.

They’ve done a fine job from Shannon fields all the way out…

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Also, I’ll be drinking Belgian beers on your doorstep tonight…I might lob a few empties into your garden.

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That was absolutely horrible. There is no joy in this shit.


Case in point, (unless it was very hilly),
If you were chasing a parkrun top 3 finish or a PR or whatever you’d be asking yourself could you have gone faster in the 2nd and 3rd Kilometre?

Savage running, I still can’t believe your max HR, you are clearly a freak

First 2.5k were desperate. Uphill into a wind. It nearly broke me after 2km.

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