The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

They had to stop at a petrol pumps on the way home to buy him a Snickers.

@balbec does that on his lunch break

It’s his warm up.

Ah it’s a nice spin in fairness

Ended up doing that mountain in Kerry yesterday ignoring ALL of Met Éireann’s very good advice. End result was a very soggy PhattPike and even soggier phone, so I’m only responding now.

Targeted around the 4 min/km for the first two to ease myself into it, then went for 3:50 min for the rest - Went OK for the first few but I was done for the final two and was only really at 5k pace. I think I’ll try to get them all under 4 min/km before I add extra 400s in.

After the 5k on Friday and a hike yesterday I only went and did a 10k today, the first I’ve run in almost a year. 47.02, which is a good 5 minutes faster than the previous time I’d run it in. I’m not entirely sure how my legs are not completely fucked now, but I still feel pretty good. Definitely, definitely taking the next couple of days off though.


You’re in great shape, probably need to take it handy on some of your runs, can’t go balls out all the time

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Went up the hills today, struggled on the climbs. Legs were tired after yesterday.


Mostly at the moment I’m varying it up a bit and all my running up until this week was 5k and under. Have found a decent spot to puck a ball and get some shuttles in at the same time which is a god send. Doing a bit of work at home then with a kettlebell and some dumbbells. I’m loving it tbh, any element of having to force myself to go out and do a bit is gone completely.


Up cruagh?

Didn’t go near Cruagh today. Up to the mast from Ticknock and then went up Fairy Castle from the south. Hadn’t went up that way before. It’s not much more than a km but bloody steep. Couldn’t keep with other 2 guys and had to walk in parts.


10k this evening at 5min/km pace


Body shaming again I see…

From last evening


That’s good running.

I’d a rake of Belgian beer over the weekend… I’ve now retired from running.


@Fran and @Locke were trending a bit too well,good decision

New offer

Saw a friend of mine on Strava.
He had a run at the weekend, 48km run at 4:36 pace :anguished:



Back flared up again this weekend so haven’t done a tap since. Mad to get out. Hopefully back out tomorrow for a short road run. Haven’t tried any speed work ahead of the 5km.

There’s a French lad next door who is mad to go out in the mountains running but I might have to stay low for a week or two.

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