The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

25 min 5k run. Completed it mate*

*big downhill rolling start, but fuck it, I’ll take it. 24.32. Big change since my first run 3 weeks ago, have knocked 6 and a half minutes off that time. Ran on road today, downhill to the waters edge and then road along there it was relatively all flat. Glad to hit the target at least, next challenge will be to do it all on the flat and no hill start.


There’s a big * against that run. Cheating you could say

meh. no one was adjusting my times when I was running up hills in a forest. The clock says under 25, I’m counting it.

I wont use that route for caulis end of month challenge though.


Dont mind him … he’s just jealous… shur he used a massive hill for his 10 k effort

Use whatever fucking route you want kid. That big downhill at the start actually probably took a bit of you (hard to hold back going downhill) and had an impact on your subsequent KMs

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Simply untrue and a scurrilous remark. You need to take that back!!

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That white bridge over the motorway leading out to Blackrock is a dose

It goes on and on…

Those intervals can suck my baws…

I decided to just run as close to 5k pace as I can for as long as I can. I lasted to 4.34k tonight… average pace 5.17… fastest k at 5.01. I did the same run and distance clapping out at the same point last week but at average pace of 5.40 so that’s a decent improvement in a few days… The auld war wound in the back is playing up badly, I usually have a bit of maintenance done every 6-8 weeks and was due when covid hit and that’s over due by about 2 months… I’m creaking.

Getting close to the magic 25


Oh it’s on.

When you’re out next week for the race, visualise an Arab looking lad in a pair of Limerick GAA shorts 20 metres ahead of you and tell yourself you’re going to fly past him going down the straight


You would’ve hit below 25 if you didn’t stop at teddys

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There was no queue, couldn’t resist

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He’ll probably visualise clotheslining him as he passes.

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Fair enough the queue is all at scrumdiddlys

Hopefully the cork influence will prevent another Limerick bottle job for @Thomas_Brady

Without pigeon holing a whole race, Arabs are thin in stature…

He should have said Samoan

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