The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

What podcast?

A Wexford hurling one.

You’ll go low 40s mate. Once you start operating over 160bpm, anything will be possible for you. I’d say you’re a naturally fit fella and a natural enough runner.

I’m expecting you to get very close to a sub 20 in the July 5km by the way.

There isn’t a pick on the cunt.

The runt under more pressure than Sonia at the Sydney Olympics


Its ridiculous. I’m going to be a failure if I dont medal at Tokyo 2021


Did a handy 6km today. Don’t mind the 4th km, stopped to talk to a friend of mine.


Crawl of a 5k today. Had no interest but a clatter of us in family have said we’ll do 20k exercise a week in any form you want until August bank holiday… had 5k left to do this week… Don’t know why but last second I decided to turn off into garryduff woods and run off road… different game altogether, takes it right out of your legs. Killed me.


Isn’t the garryduff woods a dogging spot ?

Good man
I’ll give that a like on Strava later mate

Edit: I just did. I’d say your data is a little bit off. Don’t think you were pushing a 3’15km uphill. You’ll get more accurate data alright when your new watch arrives

You seem to know a lot about it.

On a bike I’d say he would get 3:15 up hill .

He’d have to steal one first…

I stopped for a piss in the woods also.

Like that scene in Something about Mary

Two lads raced each other for a grand around the town this morning :joy:


I saw the tweet from the bomber but assumed it was a piss take :joy:

I did about 12k this morning in the absolute lashing rain. (it’s hailstones now).
Don’t have a record as that bollox Ed never came out. I stood for ten mins in the rain waiting for the cunt. I got home to a text saying he looked out the window and went back to bed.:grimacing:
What do I need to know about Strava?

Only @flattythehurdler and @BruidheanChaorthainn could afford to do that round here

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Get that Suunto working FFS sake