The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Could we put the funds for Tour de Munster? With everything going on this year numbers will be down so funds are going to be down. TFK is a nationwide/worldwide site so if it’s for DS Ireland to the benefit of the country then great but if it’s TdeM then it’ll stay with the local branch which will benefit my daughter. I’m easy either way.


I still haven’t a clue what those cunts in Irish life are giving me so when I do I’ll throw it into the pot. It should cover the fees. Can you keep the page open maybe another 10 days?

You threw in a very generous amount already art. It’s up to you what you do but if there’s more to come over the summer I’d be inclined to spread it around but that’s just my personal unbiased view.

Week 5 , 11k. Slow enough but the legs were heavy setting out. They need a few days rest and stretching… Another k in the bag tho.


So good I’ve given it two likes,
Did you ever get a pair of proper shoes?

Brilliant stuff @Mac

For the heart rate monitor monitors on board here … Data from today

I didn’t run since last Saturday. I’ve had some back issues since Monday and wanted to rest it. Went for a short trot this afternoon at a comfortable pace.

On first KM my HR was showing at 174bpm, which it clearly was not (you can see the spike below). A quick rub of spit on the sensors and it went below 140 in about ten seconds.

My longest stretch without a run or cycle since lockdown started


Went a bit faster than planned, headwind a killer a times.


Flying it!

What would be a realistic target time for the10k in august?

Aim for 43, anything better would be a bonus but that’s well achievable, in a race situation you could probably take another minute off

Jesus, 43 sounds ridiculous. Sure that’s the same pace as the 5k I did. I was thinking 45 would be a stretch.

You’ll piss it.

Sure you’ve never even tried, you’re just cruising along, does your heart even go as high as it should?

If you trained properly, you would be very close to sub 40 by end of august imho.


I did 10 this morning. Might try for 15 tomorrow.


Did another run this evening - 5.5km.

‘Tis good to clear the head alright

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11k in the legs today at 5.32 pace, nice and handy. First time listening to a podcast while running. It’s much easier to get into a nice handy rhythm and it takes your mind off the distance, rather than upbeat music.


I ran a 10k race for a charity event about 7 years ago and that was in just under 45 I think. I would have been way fitter then.

It’s a different fitness though, at my fittest as a team sport player I don’t think I’d have been able to run 10k in much under 50 minutes, with two months training and starting from a low base of training you could easily match your 5k pace to 10k

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