The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

I wonder was the man in the red van on hand with refreshments

Seriously mate, get a watch that works, if it takes 5 minutes to pick up a satellite it’s a bit shut but surely you could just start recording when it does find it?
Strava is a great app but only because it syncs with almost all watches, the phone GPS is very unreliable unless you’re running with it in your lamh (so I’ve been told)

I went a bit mad there today. I was feeling okay for most of it but hit a wall for the last 4km. Each one of those was around the 6min/k mark.

A nice target for later in the summer but I’ll concentrate on the 5k for the next few weeks


Giving that the magical number 10. Serious stuff

I always do run with it in my hand if I bring it,hence I don’t by and large

2 hours easy pace just now, tried to make it as hilly as I could but Limerick is very flat, ran up and down a lot of hills in UL to make up for it but still only got 100 metres, maximising uphill for two hours while arriving back to the same spot will require some planning


I dunno how ye do that. Great running.

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You avoided going up either Golf Links Rd or Monaleen Road which would have added a good few metres to your total. I’d say where the reservoir tower is must be the highest point in the city.

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Good shout. Limerick is a pretty flat city all in.

Only a few metres is all it would have added, i went up the school house road which brings you close enough to the height you’d be at the reservoir, it’s a slow climb but they all count.

Went for a run just there… Hit start on Strava and didn’t look at it till I decided to stop. 7.7k (cc @PhattPike) 42 mins odd including a piss stop.


A grand cool day for a 4.78456 mile run.

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It’s muggy as fuck in Cark… The sweat was pouring out of me. Thankfully I took the clippers to my head yesterday and gave my self a buzz cut.

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NCR and SCR are the two highest points in the city. Maybe over the bridge and up to the Ennis road or something

I can confirm this via photo evidence

He’s looking less Pablo Escobar and more Limerick gangland

It’ll make you more aerodynamic kid

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Did you buy a running watch

Did a handy 5km this afternoon before dinner and reached my weekly running target of 25km. Can confirm the mugginess in Cork. No hat on me and no Vaseline on my brow so the sweat was stinging by the 4th km.


It arrives this Wednesday

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Sweat in the eyes is awful uncomfortable


Tis desperate but it’s the price lads like @locke and I have to pay for our flowing, ahem, locks.