The Lazy Laz and Uncle Esteban 5k challenge

Luckily I can really carry off wearing a (much needed) headband.
Not many can.

I’m toying with the notion of adapting a buff into a headband kind of thing. I don’t like running with a hat, but there’s a few forests I’d use one during the summer because of the fucking midges

I have a visor but just didn’t bother with it, said I’d chance it. Wear a hat in the cold weather. No man can pull off the headband @Ralphie, not unless your Steve Foster

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I’ve started wearing a hat while running, mostly for the sun as i couldn’t wear sunglasses, now it’s a real habit, I’ve picked up a few proper running hats, stylish too.

well done @Thomas_Brady, you finished strongly there, serious progress. :clap:

I went for a run yesterday and have made clane shit of my ankle

@Wexford1996 if I’m coming to Sliabh Bui from Carnew side, do I park up at the lay by on the right hand side at the highest point the road goes, on the bend? And then walk up the lane way to the left? Or where should I park? Heading up tomorrow afternoon

Did you roll it over?

I did not. It’s not even that sore. Alarmingly swollen though, that’s not as bad as it was straight after the run

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Yeah, that’s the only real place to park. There’s room for 5 or 6 cars but it’s never too busy. Walk up the lane and keep left at the Y after couple of hundred metres for the shortest route. It’s just under 3k to the mast. There’s other routes up from Askamore side but I wouldn’t be sure of them and they’d definitely be longer.

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What did you do?

I’ve no idea. I came back and it was swollen as fuck.

Ibuprofen. Bit ice… As soon as swelling reduces a bit get it moving… None of this rice nonsense

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By moving I mean circles with your toes clockwise and counter clockwise… Walking in tippy toes around the house… Balance on one foot when brushing teeth etc.

I’ve full movement. I played golf today like.

Its bruised and swollen but no pain. Mad stuff

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You’ve no pain cause you’ve severed all the nerves. It’ll be gangerous and amputated by the end of the week.


Grand it’s only the left peg. I only use it for quenching fag butts

Dr @thomas_brady can do the operation

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I stopped for a piss on the 4th k…but was going alright.

You are running too hard giving your level of fitness. Slow up, particularly early doors.