The Left has won! We're officially living in a WOKE Utopia (Sponsored by Bud Light)

demanding do it GIF

Housing segregation is now woke


Got one of these T-shirts in the Waterford livery. Will wear it this weekend.

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Why is it “hon Limerick” and “hon Galway”, but “up Mayo”?

Graham needs to take personal responsibility for ruining his own life.

Mad how these headbangers always think it’s somebody’s else fault for their own fuck ups.

Graham was absolutely right in that interview mate.

Ah yeah, Graham calls everybody who disagrees with him Nazis and sets up fake dating profiles where he dresses up as a woman and his wife had to leave him because of how obsessive he became about demonising trans people and anybody who stood up for the rights of trans people, but sure none of it is his fault, it’s everybody else’s fault, 'tis always everybody else’s fault.

Graham has been on a bit of a crusade on trans issues for a few years now hasn’t he? Whatever about that interview, which I haven’t watched, he’s shown himself up as a bit of a mentalist a few times now.

27 years ago Graham would have been mercilessly ripping the piss out of people like his current self.

And that’s all he deserves now.

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Genuine lol

You are Graham Linehan and i claim my reward

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Graham completely vindicated :clap::clap::clap:


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‘Similar to the Nazis….’

Once you resort to that you’ve lost.

Which group of people who carried out grotesque experimentation on humans would be more appropriate?

To compare Nazis to?

No. The doctors who pushed life changing drugs on 8 year olds for ideological beliefs.

All of a certain religion too I suppose?

Willum must post on this forum. But I think this video might be wank fodder for incels.


Ah here how did the editor leave that on. Fucking madness. Not wokism but plain wrong to name a cat that. Whoever approved that to be used is some ham