The Left has won! We're officially living in a WOKE Utopia (Sponsored by Bud Light)


Trinity College Dublin to ‘dename’ Berkeley library due to philosopher’s link to slavery

Those damn woke lefties will be wanting to rename Londonderry “Derry” next.

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First they came for the slave owners.

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I find this difficult to believe about “The College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin”

Within a decade There’ll be lads tried posthumously for crimes that are crimes now but weren’t crimes when they were alive.

And rightly so.

They’ll be lucky to get a trial


It’s time to rejoin the UK - independence was cancel culture.

No to cancel culture.

its just not cricket to bring up things from the past and judge them on current social mores is it now?

Who could have known that slavery known??

As long as it wasn’t picked on because of it

One of the features that has particularly tickled me about the outrage from the screaming Alans and Dereks and Ollies about this is how they’ve gone after Trinity College’s perceived Britishness, as if it’s some sort of gotcha. Trinity isn’t Irish enough for them. Trinity was a bastion of imperialism.

Well, like, eh, duh.

And then these same fuckers steam in in defence of Anglo-Irish slave ownership. :grin:

i feel that you’re trying to make a point here but your English has failed you

Apparently so, god knows what happened there.

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actually, i wasnt discussing trinners in that post

I didn’t even mention you but carry on.

never stopped you

Trinity is the only proper university in Ireland. And Queens.

Fair enough, but the rest are quite good- as technical colleges go

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Will the city of Berkeley in California have to change its name? Will Berkeley Road in Phibsboro have to deal the same?

Edit I see they are already having a discussion about Berkeley Ca