The Let Kev at your Back thread

Looks like the club needs a movement coach


@StoneCold I’m nearly two weeks into some back issues (for about the third time this year). Hot water bottles give a nice bit of relief too. I thought I was over it but it’s flared up again this morning. My issues tend to be from my hip flexors too.

If you’re over 40, this will be a much more common occurrence now :frowning:

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I was with the “physical therapist” there a couple of hours ago on recommendation from a mate.

He did a bit of acupuncture and dry needle shite and I did get some immediate relief. The whole right leg down to the sole of my foot was full of knots and tight muscles.

I told him the historical problem was tight hip flexors and glutes but he didn’t really pay much heed on that. It’s a bit tender now and the pain has returned a bit again but took a few Nurofen and watching Mr Inbetween so will take it easy for the rest of the day



You’ll be lucky to see tomorrow