The Let Kev at your Back thread

He ended you.

Nurse it back in with the above. Thatā€™s called the Recovery Position. Then plenty of rest. After the pain goes you can strengthen it all you want.

If it pops again get into the Recovery Position straight away and ease it back in with slow easy movements.

Could save you a week of agony and pain killers.

Obviously if in pain rest and bring down inflammation. But as soon as you can get some gentle movement goingā€¦ The best thing to do for a back is to work through it, but obviously lightly at first.

Iā€™m in a bad way here; tightness in the glutes and hip flexors have done damage and my lower back is in agony. Hopping around here like a peg leg, afraid to sit down as it takes a fierce strain to get out of a chair. Physio appointment tomorrow so hopefully that will set me on the road to recovery.

If you have any dyfene or similar anti inflammatory tablets around they can often offer quick relief.


This @StoneCold your muscles have tightened to fuck to protect everything. Get some max strength nurofen into you and stretch like a motherfucker

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Another bulging disc here

Thatā€™s your temple mate. The latchicos are getting to youā€¦

If he was walking 45 mins a day there wouldnā€™t be a bother


Good long strides and a bit of a bounce. It just loosens everything outā€¦
In fairness, being curled up in a bush for a couple of hours being a wannabe vigilante cant help.

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Ehā€¦ Stone cold has the disc issuesā€¦ Iā€™m fineā€¦

All that chasing after kids has me purring

Get a dog and your back troubles will go away

Dyfene is good but it does a number on a weak stomach

It does. Iā€™ve had a few lonely nights on the bowl courtesy of it.

Donā€™t stretch muscles tightened up to protect an injury too hard, it wonā€™t release them. Gentle movements, cat cow, deep breathing, heat packs, anti inflammatories. Hip flexor stretch but make sure youā€™re not arching the spine putting pressure on the injury. Iā€™m also diagnosing disc issue here by the way.

Your injuries are on the more extreme side though. @StoneCold revolut me 74e and ill send you on this deadly cream i got in latvia. It cures sore backs and herpes

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The question is what was @StoneCold doing that eventually set the disc off

Good student

Chasing after the daughter below in the GAA nursery when she wouldnā€™t go behind the cone. Might sue the GAA club

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Fucking hell.

Take those bastards to the cleaners.

How you today? - some anti inflamms, heat and gentle movement should see you right :+1: