The Let Kev at your Back thread

Ya, your man quoted me ā‚¬280.

re: root canals.
i had to get one done last January in emergency
i had a filling in a LHS upper tooth there for a few years and it crumbled out unceremoniously with the remainder of the tooth one night leaving a gaping hole during the consumption of a medium rare fillet of steak.
Onsite failure analysis in the restaurant of the debris that came from my mouth revealed a black diamond shaped substance that I can only imagine was the filling and a horrendous taste of blood from the impact
Within 2 - 3 days i was in a fair bit of pain and i went to the dentist here and she told me there was a waiting list of 4-5 weeks for an appointment but id be all right if she put a type of temp filling in the hole.
Anyway 1 day later the temp filling fell out and i was in serious pain with the tooth, a dentist in the greater dub area quoted me 650 euro for the job !!!.. i contacted a bloke in Newry and drove up that day ( not a good idea as the pain was excruciating with me in a codeine haze) and he quoted me 400 sterling for the job that involved 2 trips, I was in no position to refuse really and he got on with it,
2 x 1.5 hour sessions of picking and poking in my tooth.
No issues since.
The same guy then told me that I needed to get a crown on the root canal as it would break and fall out, this is at a much more expensive price, in the region of 500 quid I believe
I have no intention of getting the crown done ayway.
If you get the dental work done in Eire you get 20% back on the med 2 form end of the year, I have VHI dental insurance now but it only kicks in one year after contributing.

In short root canals are an expensive cunt of a thing, BUT if you need onw id advise to get it sorted early so you can shop around.
If you like me wait for a catastrophic failure event to occur you will be left with no choice but to act swiftly as the pain does not allow for dithering

You cant put a price on your health you tight yiddish cunt

no-one is disputing that fact mate.
why so aggressive?

I insured my ears for $1,000,000,000,000.

Sound Mickee,

Ya from a brief look around the dentists in Limerick, I think ā‚¬280 is decent for a non-molar tooth.
Plus as itā€™s a front tooth you generally donā€™t need to get the crown afterwards.

I was in agony with it Sunday, but after a Prenderville Cocktail (neurofen + 6 pints of guinness) the pain subsided.
It came back again last night though so have to get it sorted. The dentist said if I left it over the weekend it would get inflamed and could cause serious pain.

He brought up his appointment list for today and tomorrow. Jam packed and heā€™s probably taking a minimum of ā‚¬70 a pop of them, plus a few ā‚¬280 root canals. Serious business to be in.

its only going to get worse im afraid, the prenderville cocktail was an excellent approach to get you through the last few days but if an infection / abscess gets in there you will know all about it and everytime you eat you are increasing that possibility.
its easy to believe the dentist is using fear tactics here to get you enrolled but he is not messing from my experience
get it done ASAP mate.
if the the dental nurse is hot you might even consider doing a Prenderville during the procedure also

as an aside ive to get an operation for repeated sinus issue pretty soon,
al lot of drilling ivolved by the eyes i believe,

Get a good mouthwash to prevent the infection in the meantime. I often get an abscess around a bad tooth I have. Itā€™s a baby tooth that Iā€™ve somehow hung onto as there was no tooth to follow it up. I use Corsodyl nearly all the time and itā€™s excellent stuff.

what about the rabbit you punched

leave Fooley out of this

Ya Corsodyl is the job.
I am going in for the procedure this evening.
If Iā€™m not online later then youā€™ll know I didnā€™t make it through it.


good luck,
the procedure can drag on a bit causing the anasthetic to wear off half way through so they will have to top up with an extra jab to keep things numb. i think they tell you that if you are feeling pain to ā€œraise your right armā€ or some shite so be sure you do if things get messy as picking the roots out of the tooth is fairly painful id say. they use this pliers type yoke to do it
im not too sure of any serious complications that can arise from the procedure apart from the incredulous pain that will happen if the anastheric wears off. the only one i have heard of is that an infected tooth can spread to the eardrum causing all types of problems like vertigo and deafness so youā€™d want to be careful of this id say.
Uā€™ll be able to eat 3 hours post op.

Did Runt survive? :unsure:

I did indeed.
He only did half the job.
Have to go back in two weeks for the rest.

I hated getting root canal done. Same instruction about the right hand in the air. I was like an old school Arsenal centre-half, my right hand was aloft the whole fucking time. Serious pain - injection didnā€™t work properly for some reason.

Corsodyl is excellent stuff in fairness, though someone told me recently a dentist told them not to use it as it stains teeth permanently.

I got a root canal on one of my lower molars done two years ago almost to the week, remember staying up to watch the US election and being in agony, couldnā€™t eat properly for two days. The dentist said he drilled right down to the jaw bone. Very, very painful once the injection wore off.

I had first become aware of the problem while eating a packet of crisps in Devittā€™s pub on Camden Street. I chewed on some tasty King cheese and onion and half my tooth broke off in the process, completely painlessly strangely enough. Got a filling in it but a few yeas later it flared up badly and I was in agony for a week.

Ya a filling was the problem with mine. I had a filling done on the tooth last year which was very close to the nerve and apparently sometimes the tooth canā€™t handle the trauma of the filling and ends up dying away.

Reading all the aboveā€¦I should probably pay the dentist a visit in case a problem arises abruptly. I havenā€™t been since 1993 when I was in 6th class in primary school. Hardcore.

Iā€™d rather use this get a root canalā€¦ :blink: Or visit the dentist in fact.