The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

ā€œOur transfersā€ love it . Take #8 ye rogue

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Sinn Fein as transfer repellent as ever makes it tough for Boylan in Dublin with Daly hovering up votes. Hard to see where Andrews picks up votes with Fine Gael still short of a quota. It may be transfers from White/Gannon that decide FF/SF scrap, particularly with Cuffe already elected. Iā€™d take Boylan to shade it.

I guess if Iā€™m cornered Iā€™d say Sf probably the least distasteful of the non-enviro parties . However thatā€™s just my view. Iā€™d say ā€˜scattergunā€™ would be a reasonable political analysis of our likely dispersion

Because they more than doubled their number of seats. Considering how low they fell that was a more than respectable result

You seem afraid to call out Mary Lou when she is a worse leader than Micheal Martin and for the party you used to support

I think Mary Lou is a shit leader.

I think Martin is a shitter leader.


Strange that youā€™re so worried about the Fianna Fail leader when youā€™ve literally stopped supporting Sinn Fein because of the leadership of the party

Iā€™ll call it

Mary Lou has been very underwhelming

Michelle Oā€™Neill has been more impressive as a media performer - sheā€™s a more fluent speaker

I think Sinn Fein are suffering partly due to the upturn in white ethno-nationalism in Europe and the US, despite them not being a right-wing party themselves

But I think a lot of people have turned off nationalism as a concept

Brexit and the perceived risk of another outbreak of the Troubles and the lack of a government in the North are definitely damaging them

Yes. Iā€™ve stopped supporting SF because I donā€™t like the direction they are taking, Iā€™m not interested in a populist party, Iā€™m interested in a party that share my core beliefs.

I have already said I think Mary Lou is a shit leader, I said before that I canā€™t support the direction they have taken in recent years.

Martin has been a terrible leader for FF now, 8 years and theyā€™re in reverse again despite the current government presiding over scandals in housing, health and policing, they are one of the two establishment parties and theyā€™re losing ground on a government that is failing in many remits.


You have a point and in many ways you do t

Aonthu are the future

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But FFā€™s ā€˜recoveryā€™ was a dead cat bounce. They face 3 massive challenges that they cannot possibly overcome
1-Their core support was loyalty to a party that was anti treaty. An issue which endured for generations religiously but is non existent today.
2-That loyalty passed through generation s but broke when they fucked up the entire economy of Ireland for the price of a few games of golf for the pisshead Brian Cowen. So their hard-core is greatly diminished.
3-people felt sorry and let them back cos Irish people are sound. And foolish. But their hard-core is still dying out fast. Literally every day.
4-They are so scared of alienating their ā€˜baseā€™ that they have nothing to offer the modern voter.

True. But fine gael wanted more deregulation at the time, they wouldnā€™t have done a thing differently id wager but have kept power because they were lucky enough to not be in the hotseat and there were no other options. Sinn Fein? Gombeen criminals. People now see through fine gaels greed and will turn green as unless aontu rise miraculously theres no alternative

The only thing that is in the future for them is to peter out like Renua and descend into the depths of right wing conspiracy fruitcakery

Renua are finished so youā€™ll probably see some candidates jumping ship and that will not be a good thing for Aontu

There is no market for this sort of politics in Ireland now

I totally disagree. O neill has been appaling. There is a vacuum of leadership. She has offered/pushed/created/initiated/forced nothing as a leader. She is Arlenes bitch. Given how offside Arlene and the dup are this is pathetic.


I agree with all of that. Thereā€™s no easy way out for FF. I donā€™t think anyone would have done any better than Martin over the last ten years or so. Theyā€™ll continue to get votes in rural areas but its impossible for them to get back to what they were. A charismatic Dub as leader is their only hope long term

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Martin had a choice in the last election, he chose to become FGā€™s bottom bitch. He has set the party back about 20 years.


Another election with the exact same result would have helped nobody and probably harmed FF if anything

What choice should Martin have made?

Itā€™s possible that you are correct. Its also possible that he saved the party from oblivion, for whatever the fuck that is worth. In fairness to F2f they have emphasised new blood and particularly female. But I think they just do t understand what it takes to get elected without massive underfunding party support and a local machine behind you.

Mary Lou is the party leader

A lot of how people perceive things is not what people are saying but whoā€™s saying it

Fact is the DUP are totally stonewalling and have been for two and a half years

Like or not thereā€™s nothing Oā€™Neill can do about that - she hasnā€™t had a chance to show what sheā€™s about politically

Media wise thereā€™s no comparison - Oā€™Neill is fluent, Mary Lou is a hesitant speaker

Optics like that matter

Mary Lou wants to make Sinn Fein the new Fianna Fail but thatā€™s not why people vote for Sinn Fein

Fair enough Sid. Thatā€™s your opinion. But your first sentence evwn illustrates how far she and sf have fallen. She used to be a star performer on the PAC. Ripping fellas to task and exposing FG hypocrisy. Sheā€™s the opposite now. A contrarian whose actual observations we ignore due to her utter stubbornness and intransigence.