The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

2 is obviously the key point there though the other ones are valid, especially 4

But that’s a party problem, not a Martin problem

Martin did well to get them back to where they were but how high they can go in the next 10-15 years is moot

Martin is tainted because he was there under Ahern so he probably has reached his ceiling

However I think he has done a reasonably good job for them given the mess he took over

At the moment it looks unlikely they can overhaul Fine Gael in seats

But it’s unlikely the replacement will be any better and could be much worse - they are very short on talent

Like, Michael McGrath is well fancied to replace him but he has the charisma of a doormat and is very socially conservative

Jim O’Callaghan is the most likely new leader though I think - I can’t see anybody else there who would have any electoral appeal

Limerick City and county Council have signed new cricket sensation sashin tendulker. Top class batter

Congrats pal

Great to see Mick Wallace is there, he helped me out years ago with something and I have never forgotten him for it


The ‘Rastoolers deserting Sinn Fein is the real election story on TFK.


How is Eamon these days? And his lovely wife?

The Fianna Failers on here still seething I see

Planning permission


As a supporter of the Green Party and green issues for over 20 years I’m delighted to welcome the Sinn Fein exiles to the fold


Great to see a super power like France is leaning to the far right in their elections. Ireland have fuck all say th the EU table. Victory for us Conservatives.


Odd you never mentioned it before


@Juhniallio very smug considering his beloved labour did so poor

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What now for Labour, @Juhniallio?

3% is a disastrous exit poll result for Nunan in Ireland South.
What’s the outlook in Local Elections? Tbf, they seem to be running a lot of new faces and in fairness very young candidates for those.
Nunan being a new face definitely hasn’t worked.

I rang him in the dail and he got back to me within half an hour to discuss the issue

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You recall all my posts? Do your homework, either way you’re very welcome, don’t make this petty

My boy talukder is going to top the poll in Limerick.

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Who would have guessed some Dublin cunt from a teachers union would do poorly in Ireland South?

I would have said the obvious one was:

a) form a government with FG where they could have pulled the plug if they didn’t like the policies or handling of the situation
b) not support FG

Instead they have sat beside their masters on a leash as they have lorded it over them for the past 3 years. They are a laughing stock, the slated performance in the European election looks absolutely terrible for them. It looks apparent they got a bounce from the collapse of Labour and FG shooting themselves in the foot with a degree of arrogance last time round - since then they have managed to drift further away from a government that has had a fair degree of scandals and failings in that time. FF have stood by meekly, cowardly and powerless to it and the people see it for what it is.

FF are the Reek to Ramsay Bolton’s FG at this point in time.

Thankfully I’ve learned from your ability to give you’re full heart to spurs/sf/roma/rovers/fixies/chelsea/celtic/rugby/personal and will ride this one out handy enough.

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