The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

Commenced on the 22 May. There was a no2 commencement order

Ah yes well spotted, ISB website not fully caught up

Ridiculous that week old legislation isn’t loaded up. No wonder the returning officers don’t know what the law is.

I would be tempted to ask the question of Deputy Daly ‘where were you when this was going through the Dáil?’ The biggest culprit though is the AG. This isn’t some obscure point of electoral law and its amazing how little attention it generated. A few academics pointed it out but I understand it didn’t even get a mention during the Dáil debates and that the only utterance came from Doctor Leo when he mused about having to hold two separate counts before Minister Murph swiftly muted such talk.

The distribution of Boylan to put Daly into third is one angle. Another one is that the Fitzgerald/Cuffe surpluses haven’t been distributed and won’t be if it’s a four seater as it doesn’t make any difference to who takes the four seats nor does it save election expenses etc. More generally though, Fitzgerlad and Cuffe have reached the quota ‘too early’ and would have swallowed up more transfers along the way. So, this doesn’t just come down to distributing Boylan or not. There are also other vagaries including:

The two surpluses won’t be distributed now as they don’t make any difference. This is likely a moot point in this particular case but had one of them got in earlier when someone needed expenses or where there was a doubt over how many of the lower candidates to put out together, it would have been. Ordinarily this isn’t an issue when you’re contesting a four-seater, as ultimately they’ll get distributed later if they can make a difference, but when you’re contesting a pretend 4-seater when it’s really 3, it potentially does.

The expenses themselves are based on one getting a quarter of a quota. Is that a quarter of 20% or 25% in this case?

You either run it as a four-seater or as a three-seater. You can’t have a half-way house. The choice here ultimately for Frank Clarke in his own 5-seater (or probably a 7-seater for a spat like this) is to certify the result or deem the whole thing invalid.

In a three seat constituency the quota would have been aroound 90k as opposed to 72k.

Cuffe was elected on the 13th count.

In a proper three seater, the transfers from Count 14 on would have been distributed in a diffferent way to what they have been and Cuffe and Fitzgerald would still be included in the counts until they reached that 90k quota.

You could have a different candidate elected to seat 3 depending on whether the quota is based on a three seater or a four seater constituency.

For me, including Boylan’s transfers now would effectively be meddling with the process and going against the rules of how elections are carried out.

It’s a bit of a clusterfuck.

They better hope Daly passes out Andrews on Count 15, otherwise the situation could get messy.

I’d say scrap the whole thing and start again

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Theoretically, you’d have had to run to run two entirely different counts based on it being a three seater or a four seater.

Theoretically, you could have somebody finishing in seat 3 in a three seater count, but if it was run as a four seater, that person could finish in fifth place.

So you could have somebody being an MEP until the Brits leave the EU, and if and when they do, it’s bye bye, and then two other people waiting for Brexit conditional seats based on a four seat count.

The whole thing is tremendously Irish.

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Well increasing the quota would completely alter everything that’s happened since, so it’s very possible.

Stupid cunts. Couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery

It would have been class if somebody was a temporary MEP (TMEP) until Brexit.

If it was a Sinn Feiner, say Boylan, they could have made representations to party leadership that Sinn Fein MPs sit in the House of Commons in order to stop Brexit and save their job.

The whole thing is fucked . Best to get everyone to vote again, including midlands north west


I have a headache

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+1. As a poster committed to protecting our planet, you must be seething that an environmental activist like Lynn Boylan has lost out to a guy who speculates on oil exploration companies.


What brave initiatives are the Green’s advocating ? Carbon tax and water tax?

They’ll be clamping down heavily on the diesel car owners they heavily incentivised to buy said cars the last time they got a whiff of a power


To be fair to Lynn Boylan she is incredibly hard working and is very good on green issues. Like me she is an enviro-republican.
Some of this begrudgery around the green vote is distasteful and those who peddle or are the unwitting knaves of the centrist scourge. No mark centrist parties like Labour digging up years old articles to try to deflect from their own irrelevance. I have coined these attacks ‘off-the-cuffe remarks’ as they are a clear centrist attempt to begrudge one of Dublin’s most consistent and selfless green activists his day in the sun. Presumably he had shares in a portfolio that included oil companies he didn’t know about . But why not look at the fact that he is one of few politicians to fund his own campaign or the fact that his life is about walking the walk on green issues?
Lynn boylan deserved to be elected, Barry Andrews , FRAncis Fitzgerald , Alex white , mark durkan and their west Brit ilk are everything that is wrong with centrist politics and they will make green noises as they do fuck all about our issues. Brits our. Carbon out.


They’ll be ran out of it again if they go down the taxation route … they are seen as safe - and in a country where there is no real opposition party - they’ve done well at local election. The sad truth is that there’s a lot of anger out there and people had no protest vote … SF were shaping up to be a decent opposition a few years ago - possibly a junior government party but McDonald is a lemon… she’s typical of Irish politicians in that she’s a chancer and reactionary ---- We need someone on the front foot dictating to the Government, not waiting around to latch onto any bad press just to land a few harmless jabs.

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It’s safe enough vote green at the European elections as well.

They could kick on from here, maybe they’ve learned their lessons from the last time. Who knows.

Keep Ireland green - fuck a frog.