The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

What lessons

Have the public learned their lessons, you mean

The Greens had six TDs compared to Fianna Failā€™s 77

The nature of being a minority partner in a coalition government is that you canā€™t get your own way most of the time but you can hope to influence some things

The Green Party was not responsible for the financial crash in this country

Instead of kicking junior coalition partners who canā€™t implement much of their agenda, the public would be better off electing them in such numbers that they can lead a government and implement more of their policies

A fundamental rethink on what government is needed among the population - until that happens, itā€™s just hamster on a wheel stuff

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What policies? More Diesel cars?

Iā€™d be happy be with more water charges, more carbon taxes and a crack squad of militant feminist cyclists going around letting the air out of peopleā€™s car tyres

Oh looks like the Shinners are turning their ire to the Greens now. Wonderful.

I agree, the biggest mistake the Greens made was allowing the Cowen farce to go on too long.

Why, what have they said?

Iā€™d like to see the Green Party push for the Irish flag to be made entrely green on the following basis:

i) The orange bit represents high air miles for food - we need to cut down on this
ii) The orange bit is sectarian
iii) The white bit is racist
iv) An entirely green flag would be a lovely nod to the Libyan flag - and would acknowledge the late Colonel Gadaffi/Gadafy/al Qhadaffi and his wonderful gesture of providing arms to the RA in the 1980s - though we must also remember that the Colonel was not perfect - he was known to fart copiously, thus increasing the release of methane into the atmosphere

Are you a lapsed member now?

Iā€™m not on active duty - thatā€™s all iā€™m at liberty to say right now.

Green flag with Harp.

A Green / Sinn FĆ©in spin off / splinter group would get my support. Crack teams of violence prone volunteers on bicycles would be a lovely nod to the flying columns.

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Under a Green Party government, the IRA will pledge to use organic paintballs in any future outbreak of the Troubles

That is something I think we can all be on board with

A Green RA will pledge to do away with the use of fertiliser and introduce zero carbon bombs

If you settled all the travellers itā€™d help the carbon footprint


That is all fine and even dandy but in the voting publicā€™s eyes if you lie down with dogs ā€¦,ā€¦

The no-flying columns


Daly pulls ahead of Andrews. Game over.

She got 6500 more transfers from Gannon than Andrews.

2506 the margin

She got around 10k from Gannon

Andrews got 4k

Thatā€™s good vote management by the lefties.