The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

Out of almost 1,000 council seats.

Peadar’s time won’t be here for a long time yet, I’d wager.

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You have an irrational hatred of him and his party, though, so you would say that, wouldn’t you

I don’t think he’ll be trying to appeal to people like you anyway

Finian McGrath’s time is up - a glorified town councillor

Dublin Bay South has Chris Andrews and Dun Laoghaire maybe but is it a bit of a stretch when she’s living in Tallaght.

Dublin West would be very interesting as it’s already more or less a group of death. You’d imagine that they’ll give Donnelly another go at it though.

I have a perfectly rational hatred of him and his party, they’ve betrayed their core voters time and time again and finally the scales have fallen from peoples eyes.

and just because someone shares your whacky, swiveled eyed view of the world doesn’t make them enlightened.

She’s a quality candidate so room has to be made for her somewhere.

Eoin O’Broin himself was a Blackrock College boy and did very well in Dublin Mid-West.

I think Lynn Boylan is very good and very sound too.

As @Sidney says, she could run in one of several Dublin constituencies.

They really thought they’d get a seat via yer man Paul Donnelly last time in Varadkar’s constituency (is it Dublin West?) but Joan Burton held on and that little weirdo Jack Chambers got in for FF. Boylan would surely take a seat there but it could ruffle some local feathers.

What constituency does Artane / Coolock fall under? Is it Dublin Bay North or a neighboring one? Boylan has done a lot of work with the Stardust campaigners and has goodwill there.

Denise Mitchell is a sitting TD for them in Dublin Bay North and that ex-Dublin Mayor Micheál Mac Donnacha or whatever he’s called was unsuccessful as her running mate. I agree that Aodhan will probably take a seat back for Labour here.

It’d be funny if they parachuted her into Dublin Bay South ahead of Chris Andrews. He might revert to visiting internet cafes to have a cut at the party.

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Ad hominem abuse doesn’t add much, art

The vast majority of Irish people share my views on most subjects

O’Riordain was an excellent minister by all accounts

sid, youre a great man to go with the ad hominem when it suits your own agenda.

we have very differing views of o riordan. the electorate appear to share my view as hes not a TD anymore. and that’s even before we got at his u turn re the Seanad so he could keep his snout at the trough.

we’ll leave it at that

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Donnelly’s failure last time in Dublin West in a seat he should never have lost counts against him.

If he couldn’t take one in 2016 when the political climate was much more favourable to him, I doubt he’ll have any more success in 2020.

They should give probabaly Boylan a cut at that constituency - she could get a decent women’s vote too - I presume Joan Burton will be standing down - though Catherine Noone will be a much stronger contender next time than before as her profile has been raised massively due to her part in the referendum campaign last year and Leo Varadkar will likely have a massive transfer surplus because he’s Taoiseach this time.

Yet he only barely lost out in the most competitive constituency in the country in an election where Labour were absolutely wiped out in Dublin and weren’t even in contention for all bar one or two seats.

“Snout at the trough” is the sort of miserable, tiresome rhetoric that’s growing very old.

I’m not sure why you’d vote at all with that sort of atttude as if one was to take your logic, every single politician in the country is a “snout at the trough”.

I think FG have shifted Catherine Noone to Dublin Bay North based on the literature coming in my letterbox since moving to the constituency. Not sure if she actually settled in the area or if it’s a tactical move given Richard Bruton is getting on and there’s probably not a second seat for them in Varadkar’s patch.

In fairness to Aodhain he’s walked the walk. He’s very highly regarded in the North East inner city from his time teaching in Sheriff St and it’s well known that that motivates his sense of social justice.


Informative rating

SF should definitely let Boylan have a go at Dublin West then.

I presume yer man Neale Richmond will standing for FG in the next election? Be interesting to see where he runs, I presume one of the South Dublin constituencies.

I think that’s right.

I think he’s sound.

you work with fuzzy and flawed logic; not every politician supported doing away with the Seanad, even fewer politicians who took this view then tried to join the Seanad after failing to get a dail seat

The Seanad is a national political forum

It’s irrelevant what his view on its potential abolition was

Why shouldn’t he take a seat in it?

Should the Brexiteers have all boycotted the European elections because they want to leave the EU?

That would be fuzzy logic

if he was the man of principle you suggest he is then he wouldn’t take a seat. end of. he lacks testicular fortitude. climbdown orriordan

So you’re saying all anti-EU politicians should boycott the European Parliament, yes?

that is utterly non sequitur. when was the referendum on abolishing the EU?

just admit your idol has feet of clay